Some construction projects, particularly those that pertain to various types of essential infrastructure, require boring. Directional boring, which is also referred to as horizontal directional drilling (HDD), for example, may be required to install or repair gas pipelines, oil lines, product pipelines, water lines, and communications lines. There are, of course, other types of projects that may require HDD.
A Few Primary Benefits of Utilizing HDD Boring
Currently, HDD is considered to be a safe, efficient, and cost-effective method to address highway bores. Furthermore, it is also the industry standard for use with trenchless technology when bores of a specific size are required. More specifically, this would be two to 48-inch diameters and 600 feet to 1800 feet in length.
The Three Main Phases of HDD Boring
The first phase occurs when a pilot hole is drilled. This will consist of a directional path that moves from a single surface point to the next. After this phase is completed, the bore’s diameter will be enlarged. This is to accommodate a pipeline being installed. The final phase occurs when the pipeline is pulled into the hole, which will create a continuous segment of underground pipe.
HDD Boring Materials
While there are a variety of pipe materials utilized within the directional drilling market, high-density polyethylene is the most common. The 2017 Horizontal Drilling Survey reported that this material is used for roughly 49.7% of all drilling projects. Furthermore, the report also addressed telecommunications installation, such as a communications line. Due to the increased demand for fiber-to-the-premises for residential, commercial, and other enterprises, the HDD market increased in value by 24.4% during 2017.
Contact a Directional Boring Contractor to Learn More
Whether you are an independent contractor or otherwise work within the electrical, plumbing, or related construction fields, there is a chance that you may require the services of a directional boring contractor to complete your jobs. It’s important to note that in some instances, trenchless, rather than underground drilling, may be the most efficient and effective solution. Once you consult with a directional boring contractor, you will be able to discuss your specific project in detail.