The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has many protections in place to ensure that dredging and construction projects that take place on or near water sources adhere to all regulations and requirements. A turbidity barrier such as a silt curtain, silt barrier, or turbidity curtain is essential for ensuring that your construction does not allow erosion run off that will disturb and contaminate nearby environments.
A turbidity curtain is a barrier that when used in conjunction with other erosion controls is meant to prevent or minimize contamination. Turbidity is created when water or land near water is stirred up by construction projects. Turbidity means that there is a muddiness consisting of ground water and sediment. If the appropriate precautions are not taken, such as the use of a turbidity curtain as outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency, water pollution can occur. Failure to take these precautions would be a violation of the Environmental Protection Agencys Clean Water Act.
Best practices for erosion and sedimentation control, as outlined by Government agencies, include sediment barriers such as a turbidity curtain. Size requirements are very important in order to ensure the integrity of your turbidity curtain. For example, an effective turbidity curtain will not be more than 36 inches high. If it is, it could cause the structure to fail. If in the event of a spill, oil spill response equipment is warranted. This includes items such as an oil containment boom or oil skimmer are required.
See this reference for more.