Use This Small Business Owner List to Prepare for Your Opening


You just started your own business and it’s now time for your big opening. You must be excited, but you may be a little stressed out with everything you need to do. Reduce your stress and anxiety by utilizing a small business owner list to prepare for such an opening. Use this guide for an opening on what you should include on your list.

Assemble Your Inventory

If your small business sells particular products, you need to make sure that your inventory is stocked. For example, golf cart accessory companies need to have enough golf cart parts, batteries, covers, and other accessories to meet the demands of their customers. Or if you sell wedding rings, you need to have a variety of styles, sizes, and metals to suit different preferences and budgets.

You may end up having many customers your first week, so you don’t want to run out of stock. Make sure you have enough room in the back of your store so that you have enough backup inventory to place out front as things get sold. Make sure you have a reliable supplier so when it’s time to order a new item you can quickly do so so you can replenish the most popular things.

Try to order enough inventory for some free incentives. To bring in more customers, you may want to give away gifts and items that you can bear to part with as part of your promotion. If you have a cosmetic store, you may want to include a small sample of lotion or a sample-sized lipstick with each purchase. Depending on the type of business you have, you may want some branded incentives to give away, such as T-shirts, hats, mugs, or stickers.

Have Your Plumbing Inspected

Quality plumbing is essential for any business. Even if you’re not running a restaurant or cafe, the plumbing can affect your business if it’s not functioning properly. You don’t want to deal with leaks, a main line clog, or backups on your first day of operation. That’s why a small business owner list should include a plumber inspection.

A professional plumber can check your pipes, faucets, toilets, drains, and water heater for any issues and fix them before they become a problem. For instance, if you have a main line clog, a plumber can use a camera to locate the blockage and clear it with a hydro jet or a snake. Having your plumbing inspected will save you time, money, and hassle in the long run.

Imagine the devastation if there was a leak in your business. Leaks cause so much damage to your foundation, and they can also damage other items inside your property. Leaks often happen due to a crack or hole in a pipe. The resulting water damage from a leak isn’t the only issue you’d have to worry about as a business owner. If the leak isn’t obvious and happens over time, it can also become a breeding ground for mold. Mold only takes 24 to 72 hours to begin sprouting in a wet environment, according to Qipa. With a mold infestation, your place of business won’t be very safe, and also have problems passing inspections.

Set Up a Delivery System

Delivery service options to your customers are essential to growing your business. So if you have services or products that are capable of being delivered, you need to make sure you have a reliable delivery system. These days when it comes to food, many companies rely on 3rd party delivery services like Uber Eats and DoorDash. However, you can always have your own delivery drivers to ensure products get to where they’re supposed to get to at the designated time.

You may need different types of vehicles depending on the business that you have. So consider delivery route schedules, fees, as well as insurance policies before buying any delivery vehicles. In addition to adding a few delivery vehicles to your small business opening list, you may also want to include vehicle wrapping services. Vehicle wrapping is a great way to advertise your business. It’s hard not to notice the name of your business and the contact information when your promotional or delivery car is driving down the street wrapped in your advertising.

If you’re not relying on 3rd party deliveries, then you need to make sure that you hire your own delivery drivers. Have at least a few delivery drivers on hand the first day so that you can immediately begin making deliveries. Make sure you only hire drivers with a clean driving record and who understand how to get around the city quickly. You may also want to invest in. T-shirts, hats, or other uniforms for your delivery drivers so they’re easily recognizable when they make their deliveries.

Care For Your Exterior

When people think of curb appeal and exterior upkeep, they may often think of a residential property. However, this type of upkeep is just as important for your business. Your business exterior is one of the first things customers will see, and they will make a judgment based on the first impression. Therefore, you should make sure that you’re keeping it clean and attractive from day one. So you should hire a company that specializes in local stucco repairs. Stucco is a durable and versatile material that can withstand harsh weather conditions and add curb appeal to your building. A local stucco repair company can also help you choose the right color and texture for your stucco to match your brand and style.

In addition to your exterior siding, make sure your commercial roofing looks good. Your roof is just as visible as your exterior walls, so they also add to your curb appeal. A local roofer should be added to your small business owner list so you have a professional and beautiful-looking roof that looks good from afar.

Don’t forget to keep up the grass and trees that you may have in front. Nature is beautiful, whether it’s at your home or in front of a business. If you have the exterior space, you can plant a few trees or have landscapers plant some flower bushes. Having a reliable landscaper work out front can make sure that your commercial grass is always green and free of weeds. They can also keep the grass trimmed so it never looks unkempt.

Make sure that customers and staff feel comfortable walking and driving on your business property. A local hardscaper can pave your walkway or steps in cement, brick, or stone. If you have a parking lot, make sure it’s well-paved and smooth so people can comfortably drive. After all, you don’t want someone’s tire getting blown out because of a pothole. You also don’t want people tripping over cracks in your parking lot as that would be another liability.

Have Your Ductwork Cleaned

A functioning HVAC unit can ensure that your business remains properly heated or cooled at all times. So you can start out with clean ducts. Ductwork is the system of tubes that carries air from your heating and cooling units to different rooms in your building. Over time, dust, dirt, pollen, mold, and other contaminants can accumulate in your ductwork and affect the quality of the air

Poor air quality isn’t good for your employees or potential customers. Bad air can cause health problems for you and your employees, such as allergies, asthma, headaches, and fatigue. Duct cleaning companies can use specialized equipment and techniques to remove the debris from your ductwork and improve indoor air quality.

You want to keep your employees safe and free of illness. Taking the time to add duct cleaning companies to your small business owner list can ensure people have a healthy environment, are comfortable, and look forward to coming to work at your facility. After all, people aren’t going to want to work in a space where they’re going to feel fatigued, coughing and sneezing or having allergic reactions all day.

Develop a Security Plan

Security is an essential aspect of running a small business. Protect your property, inventory, equipment, and employees from theft, vandalism, or violence. When you develop a security plan, you can cover all the possible risks and threats that your business may face. Some businesses are more susceptible to theft than others. For example, if your business handles fine art, jewelry, and other valuables, you can easily be a target for death and robbery. As a result, simply having a typical security system won’t be enough. You may actually need to have some physical guards on hand, which local security guard agencies can provide.

Have trained and licensed guards to patrol your premises and deter any unwanted visitors. You can also get services such as alarm monitoring, video surveillance, access control, and emergency response. Between smash-and-grab robberies as well as nighttime break-ins, do what you can to protect your small business from harm so you don’t lose your investment.

In addition to a security alarm system and physical guards, you should also think about locking certain items up. For example, if you handle certain pharmaceutical drugs, things that have codeine in them should be behind a counter. You may also want to keep certain high-end alcohol brands up high or under lock.

Find a Waste Removal Solution

As a small business owner, you need to find a waste removal solution that suits your needs and budget. You may generate different types of waste depending on the nature of your business, such as paper, plastic, metal, food scraps, or hazardous materials. Consider local regulations and environmental standards to avoid getting a fine. You also want to avoid attracting pests to your space. Pests such as rodents and cockroaches not only contaminate your area, but they can also be highly destructive to your property.

If you’re not sure how much trash you may be getting rid of regularly, start with a local dumpster rental company. They can deliver and pick up the dumpster at your convenience. A dumpster rental company can also help you choose the right size and type of dumpster for your waste. You can use a dumpster for a short period or keep renting it for an extended period for the life cycle of your business.

Get the Equipment You Need

Depending on the type of small business you run, you may need various equipment to operate efficiently and effectively. For example, if you own a restaurant or a catering service, you need kitchen equipment such as stoves, ovens, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, mixers, slicers, etc. You can either buy or lease this equipment from a restaurant equipment company that can offer you competitive prices and quality products. A restaurant equipment company can also provide you with installation, maintenance, and repair services for your equipment.

If you’re running a retail store, you’ll need several hangers, wire racks, and boxes to pack clothes in. You’ll need several store shelves to put items on. You may also need other display tables as well as mannequins to display particular outfits.

Get Your Wiring Inspected

Get your wiring inspected by a licensed electrical company. Adding this service to your small business owner list can ensure your wiring is safe, up to code, and can handle the electrical load of your equipment and appliances. A faulty wiring can cause fires, shocks, or power outages that can damage your property and endanger your customers and employees. Local electricians can install lighting, outlets, switches, panels, generators, and other electrical components for your business.

As you can see, many things go into preparing for your small business opening. Make sure your landscape looks good, have the right equipment, hire enough staff, and make sure your electricity is safe. By taking the time to properly prepare for your opening, you can make a good first impression on your new customers. After all, you want your customers to keep coming back for more so they can watch your company grow and help you thrive. Hopefully, this list will provide you with a good starting point. You need to have a successful opening day and week.

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