Watch this video to discover the magic of using direct mail marketing to grow your business. Many businesses use direct mail marketing to market to their existing customers. In these modern times, it is no secret that digital marketing has made its way to the forefront.
However, the principle of old-fashioned direct mail marketing has always kept its unique charm.
First, you want to aim for your message to be delivered and opened by the customer. It may be a good idea to attempt to rope the customer in by including something handwritten from you; either your signature or the potential customer’s name on the envelope. The handwritten touch will them feel special and let them know you took time out of your day to specifically address them.
If they open the mail from your business, they may be likely to throw it away if the first thing they see is that you want their money. Instead, entice them with a deal or a raffle competition, and then throw in the law of reciprocity. Include a clear call to action. Make it easy for them to respond by providing prepaid postage and an envelope for them to mail back to you. .