Bloomberg, The Economist, Wired, Forbes, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, This Week Magazine, and Inc. are probably what most people think about when they hear the term business magazines thrown about in everyday conversation. The subscriptions for these kinds of business magazines are steadily going up as the majority of the traditional magazine readership transitions to the internet.
All the quality content that is being produced online these days is making the magazine business shake in their boots. Attempts to modernize have generally just resulted in the companies releasing their content online as well, but that almost always required a subscription fee as well. If you do not have the extra cash to drop on a subscription, online or for paper, then you might want to look into some of the amazing and successful free online business magazines that are out these these days.
There are some pay to read magazines that also provide you with special perks and services for choosing their magazine or site over their competitors. If you are shopping around, make sure you look into what exactly your subscription money is actually getting you and also make sure to choose the one that gives you the most.