Getting your business noticed can be a challenge in a time when digital marketing drives everything. Did you know, in fact, that there are a number of times when a business simply does not make it because customers simply do not know about the location of your business. With the right outdoor LED signs, however, you can make sure that you are able to not only compete, but also succeed.
The latest research indicates that the actual value of an on site sign equals the impact made by running 24 full-page newspaper ads every year. The signage for businesses can help make sure that local customers know not only your location, but the kinds of goods and services that are offered.
Scrolling Marquee Signs Offer a Number of Different Advertising Options for Many Kinds of Businesses
If it has been awhile since you have updated the signage for businesses that you own, now is the time. In fact, with the latest offerings that are available you can find exactly the kind of sign that you are looking for. The reality is that no matter what kind of sign you find you will be able to increase the attention your business gets.
Did you know, for instance, that as many as 37% of consumers report looking at an outdoor ad each, or most of the time, they pass one? In addition, as many as 71% of people indicate that they often look at the messages on roadside billboards. This percentage is a representation of both traditional and digital signs combined. Too often businesses think that if they have spent enough money and time on website design and digital marketing like social media posts they have done all that they need to do. Even with a map app that is going to direct a customer to your office, however, it is an actual sign on the building that will alert the customer to where your business is actually located.
More than one in three people admit that they would not have discovered a business had it not been for their sign In fact, studies show that adding or changing a sign directly improves sales revenue. When you go so far as to replace a store front wall sign with a larger sign, the revenue for your business will increase by 7.7%.