Are You Spending Too Much on Energy?

Electricity providers comparison Switch electricity companies Ways to save on electric bill

How to change electricity provider

Did you know that, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average American household pays at least $95.66 on utility bills in any given month? Moreover, a good deal of fees and energy costs are often wasted on electricity, heat, and water that individuals and families don’t even use. Most Americans are literally paying for energy that goes right out the window, or – in other words – seeps through poorly insulated doors and windows. What simple steps can people take to reduce energy expenses?

Switch Electricity Providers

Saving money on monthly energy bills can be as simple as comparing energy or electric utility suppliers. If you live in Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas or the District of Columbia, you have the option to switch electricity providers. Utility suppliers may offer different payment plans and structures, incentives for using green energy, or discounted business electricity rates. Compare electricity providers online, or call with specific questions.

Get Audited

It can be difficult to determine where you are losing the most energy, and wasting the most money, without definitive answers. Pinpoint problem areas by asking a professional to perform an energy audit on your home. A professional can help you determine whether leaky doors and windows, thin and insubstantial siding, water heaters, etc. are to blame for expensive energy bills. Local weatherization and energy offices or electricity suppliers can recommend the best professionals to audit your home.

Cut Residential Water Use in Half

Water use and expenses can quickly get out of hand. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a leaky toilet may waste up to 200 gallons of water per day. Reducing water use and cutting energy bills, however, can be fairly simple. Homeowners can, for example, pick up simple low-flow faucet aerators for $10 to $20 each. This can reduce residential water consumption by anywhere from 25% to 65%, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Residents can also easily save water by storing a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running tap water and waiting for it to get cold.

Stop paying too much for electricity and water. Reduce monthly energy bills by getting your home auditing, carefully weighing the decision to switch electricity providers, and installing inexpensive, low-flow faucet aerators.

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