Attention Veterinarians Are You Using This Basic Marketing Trick?

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Pets are seen and treated as family members: hence affordable care for pets is crucial. Affordable pet care prices may vary from one person to another. Getting an affordable pet care center is beneficial to the owner and the animal.

Despite the benefits attached to pet health, some pet owners do not have many finances to allocate to costly animal health center services. With this, every pet owner should embark on research before seeking services from an animal health center. Avoid the minute rush of looking for affordable pet emergency services.

To ensure your pet has optimal health, find a facility that provides the services your animal needs. The main difference between one pet health center and another is the kind of services provided. For instance, some animal clinics are primarily for cosmetic and grooming needs, while some are mainly hospitals.

Look for a facility that offers a wide range of services to make sure you reap the maximum benefits from the pet services you pay for: such a place saves you money that would have been spent on shuffling the pet to different facilities to obtain varying services. Ensure the animal health facility has the right health practitioners to facilitate good health in your pet.

Most people don’t become veterinarians for the money, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good business. Unfortunately for the true animal lovers, it really is a business. If you’re a veterinarian struggling with pet care marketing, then there’s one simple marketing trick you can start using right away.
In the same way that certain doctors and dentists use appointment reminders for their patients, many of the most successful veterinarian clinics send pet owners veterinary reminder postcards once or twice a year.
Today, 63% of U.S. families has at least one pet, and Americans care for 88 million cats and more than 74 million dogs. In total, those pet owners will spend $14.37 billion on their pets every year. And like with any other billion dollar industry, you’ll face a lot of competition if you want to stay in business.
And one of the most basic rules of business? It’s always cheaper to retain an old customer than acquire a new one. Veterinary appointment reminder postcards are a tried and true method of keeping your customers coming back again and again. Additionally, many vets choose to send out holiday cards from their veterinary clinic, as a simple Thank You to their loyal customers, while others send out veterinary welcome cards after an animal makes their first visit to the clinic. No matter what you choose, these simple reminder postcards help make sure your most valued customers continue to patronize your clinic (and it helps keep their pets in good health!).
Maybe you’re thinking, “No one uses snail mail anymore, marketing in 2016 is all about search engines and mobile whats’its.” You aren’t wrong, mobile marketing and SEO are important strategies for any local business, but simple reminder postcards are still an effective way to reach your customers, precisely because no one uses snail mail anymore.
It makes your veterinary reminder postcards stand out as a particular human touch. If possible, start collecting email addresses and send both an email and reminder postcards at the same time.
Trust us, if you start implementing this strategy in Summer 2016, you’ll start seeing results by the Fall.
Good luck!

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