Broker Dealer Explained


In this video, you will learn about broker dealers. Many people don’t know what a broker dealer is. For a lot of people, they can be important.

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If you do not know what a broker dealer is, it is important for you to watch this video to find out, so in the future, a broker dealer can help you. How do investors generate money? Even when the stock market isn’t doing well, how do finance people make money. Do we still need broker dealers? Our financial system is very large and complex. Broker dealers do serve an important purpose. A broker helps you buy or sell securities. The best example of this is Robinhood. This is a brand new brokerage. They help facilitate the transaction. You can buy stock through Robinhood. A dealer is a company who has its own interest in buying security. Big companies have brokerages where they help clients buy or sell securities. Here, they are actually trading. Many of the largest firms and brokerages that you hear about have both. Do we still need brokers? The answer is yes. We do still need them.

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