Different Types of Radiation Detection Devices and Their Uses

Radiation detection and measurement Radiation detection devices Radiation survey meter

Nuclear energy investment

Radiation detection and measurement are extremely important processes to undergo, especially if you’re investing in energy companies who are nearby.
Whether you’re investing in nuclear companies and want to be informed or simply want to know what kind of radiation is in your home, here are a few of the types of radiation detection devices used to measure those values.
Personal Radiation Detectors
A personal radiation detector, sometimes referred to as a PRD, is a small device, about the size of a pager or small cell phone, that can help detect and measure radiation. It can be clipped to a belt or held in your hand for easy access. The main purpose of this device is to alert its wearer to the presence of radiation as quickly as possible to ensure no harm comes to them. Detectors typically sense gamma radiation or gamma and neutron radiation. Gamma radiation is the easiest to pick up, as well as the most abundant. Neutron radiation can be deadly in smaller doses, which is why its incredibly important that this device can detect those waves. Personal radiation detectors typically cost between $600 and $1,200.
The main purpose of these radiation detection devices is to efficiently and accurately measure the accumulated radiation dose that the wearer has received while in a certain environment, wearing the dosimeter. These devices can measure gamma, alpha, beta and neutron radiation doses, but most electronic personal dosimeters measure only gamma radiation because it’s the most typical form of exposure.
This type of device uses the differences in radiation emission energies to determine which radioisotope is present in a particular environment. Each radioisotope has a unique “fingerprint” of sorts that allows a device to identify it. Identifiers are typically used in a situation where there is an unknown type of radiation that needs to be identified.
Each of these instruments serve a unique purpose in the field of radiation detection, and each is important in its own way. Selecting the right equipment can be daunting, but once you’re aware of what each device does, your decision should be a little easier. More on this.

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