The repair and renewal of mechanical equipment, conveying and propulsion systems, industrial gear drives, engine valves and heads, and bearing and shaft replacement is an important part of business for many companies. Industrial gearbox repairs, for instance, are needed to make sure that both large pieces of machinery as well as very small engines are running safely and efficiently. Gearbox repair specialists provide predictive maintenance tasks that can help you avoid bigger and more expensive problems further down the line.
Between shaft and bearing replacement, tank fabrication, and the constant maintenance of conveying and propulsion, many businesses rely on gearbox repair specialists and other technicians to make sure that their shops are in working order and can help them crete and deliver the products that they sell to their customers.
Consider some of these facts and figures about onsite machining services and the impact that they have on the nation’s economy:
- In addition to being an industry that directly employ 2 to 3 million people around the world with another 6 or so million people in supporting roles, steel is also vital material for the functioning of the modern day world.
- With 90% recycled content, steel is the most recycled material on the planet.
- The U.S. exported industrial machines to the value of around $42.7 billion in the year 2012.
- Excessive noise, vibration, fluid leaks, and oil contamination are the four most common warning signs of gearbox problems. These warning signs can be an indication of leaky seals, electrical fluting, or bearing failure.
- $407.4 billion, or 7.1%, was the total of all machinery manufacturing shipments in the year 2012.
- The axes of worm gears shafts cross in space, and are used to transmit power at 90 degrees and where high reductions are required.
- Set above the steel’s recrystallization temperature, hot rolling is a mill process which involves rolling the steel at a temperature typically over 1700F.
Both large and small parts contribute to the success of machining shops and other kinds of manufacturing plants across the nation. Making sure that parts of all size are in proper working order and are regularly serviced is an important way to be as productive as possible.