Finding the Right Office Space Takes Both Time and Patience

Delaware office space Virtual office suites Work remotely

Office solution that is unique

New year.
New office.
Although the company you work for will not be in their new space by the first working day of the year 2018, the plan is to be completely relocated by the end of January. And while the office managers and the director of operations are excited about the extra conference and lunchroom space, there are two other major advantages for you for this move. First, the new location will cut your drive time to work in half. Secondly, you will have an office in the new space. For the last three years everyone has been working out of cubicles, so it will be nice to be back to a setting where you do not have to move to a conference room every time that you need to be on a long call.

Companies Looking for Office Spaces for Rent Have a Number of Priorities

From private office spots to large lunchrooms to parking space, the details about finding office space for rent can be pretty complicated. And while the director of operation is looking at finished square footage and price, there are many factors to consider whenever a company looks for a new space.
Even though an increasing number of people are looking at using virtual offices for some of their employees, there are still a large number of companies that not just real space, but fully furnished office solutions. Consider some of these facts and figures about the office rental platform and the role that it plays in the nation’s economy:

  • 14% of Americans have changed jobs to shorten the commute, so office location is an important factor.
  • 80% of employees view the option to work remotely as a significant job perk.
  • 46% of companies that allow telework say it has reduced attrition.
  • 60% of employers identify cost savings as a significant benefit to telecommuting.
  • 67% of professionals agree that working remotely is productive.

From meeting rooms to collaborative work areas, it is important to make sure that the office space that you lease or rent meets as many of the needs that your company has as possible. Office space for rent comes in a number price ranges and square footage options, so contracts can be both detailed and complicated.

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