Great Tips to Help You Get the Most from Your Social Media Plan

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Are you looking for a way to drive more traffic to your website? Would you like to beef up your social media marketing plan? Here are some tips to help you do just that.

  • Develop a game plan for your social media marketing before you start. You would not start a business without writing up a business plan. Well, this is really no different. Some say, “A failure to plan equals a plan to fail.” Devise your road map. Draft up what you expect to accomplish. This will help you succeed with your plan.
  • Take a hard look at your current social media marketing practices. It is hard to draft a new plan that you know will succeed when you do not know how your current efforts are doing. By doing an audit of your social media marketing practices, you can draft up the strongest social media marketing campaign.
  • Sometimes outsourcing is a good thing. There are times when it makes more sense to outsource your social media marketing campaign than to have it done by someone in house. One way to look at this is to think about who on your staff is qualified to take this job over. Social media marketing should not be a back burner thing that someone does on the side. If you do not think your staff has the time to really give this the attention it deserves, you should hire a social media management company.
  • Include social media engagement. This is a really important part of any social media marketing campaign. That is the point of social media. You need to be proactive with your engagement strategy. If you are not going to take the time to engage your followers, friends and visitors, there is no point in developing a social media strategy. Respond to messages that people leave you on Facebook and Twitter and through your other social media channels. is a great service that will help with your engagement efforts. It also will give you feedback on who you should reach out to and follow and who you do not need to. It also helps with #FollowFriday tweets. It is a great tool.
  • Use social media to drive web traffic. This should be one of the main goals of your social media marketing campaign. Most companies are always looking for ways to get more people to visit their web pages. In 2014, people who used the internet on their mobile devices surpassed those who accessed it from their computers. Make sure your web design looks great on mobile devices. Add a blog to your website. This is a great way to get more visitors to your website. Some estimate the companies that blog see 15 times the web traffic than those who do not.
  • Create a LinkedIn profile. If your business is not on LInkedIn, it is the equivalent of not having a website. The time has past for this to be optional. This is the best social media channel to give your business credibility. This professional network can get you new opportunities for sales. It should definitely be a part of your social media marketing campaign. It is a great marketing platform. It is also a great way to liaise with people in your industry and other contacts that can help more your business forward.
  • Invest in social media advertising. This is a great way for you to expand your reach. It needs to be a part of your social media marketing campaign. It is important to do an analysis of the advertising options on the different platforms. Before you jump in and buy a bunch of Twitter ads, for instance, you should do your due diligence and research.
  • Use Twitter tools to schedule your Tweets. There are a number of free Twitter tools that you can use to schedule your tweets in advance. This will save you time and help you make sure you get your tweets out. Buffer app lets you do this. So do Hootsuite and Tweetdeck.

Social media marketing needs to be a big part of your marketing strategy but it is also fun so have some fun with it!

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