Hiring and Keeping Employees

Staffing company Temp job

For any business, big or small, the most important asset of all is the actual people who work there, the workforce. Buildings can be repaired or moved into or out of, and company cars and trucks can be bought, and great ads can be designed and aired, but ultimately, it is a motivated, cooperative, and skilled workforce of employees who can keep a company running, and neglecting the human element can harm a business more than any lost customer. However, businesses have options to find, hire, and keep the best employees for the job. Temp agencies, staffing companies, recruiting agencies, and other firms in that vein can all be contracted by a client company to find and hire the best people for the job, matching skills, educational background, and personality to the best possible employer. This includes temp workers, too, and the benefits of a temp job can be considerable. What exactly are those benefits of a temp job? And how can employee retention rates be handled?

The Work of a Staffing Company

A business often may not have the finances or manpower to perform all of its recruiting work alone, so instead, a company will outsource this work to a staffing agency, with the particular type of agency depending on what positions need to be filled. Headhunter services work best to find qualified executive candidates for higher management positions, and further down the ladder, middle range employees can be found with any number of staffing agencies. These agencies will sift through the many candidate profiles on hand and match a candidate’s personality, their educational background, and their skills and personal goals with a company where they would best fit and realize their potential. This is good for the employee, since they will find good opportunities, and it’s great for the employer, since they will be much less likely to have to deal with employee turnover. In fact, employee turnover is one of the biggest issues a company can face; every year, $11 billion overall is lost due to employee turnover, and around 57% of organizations say that employee retention is a problem. But a staffing agency’s employees will work hard to match the best candidates with the right job to lower those rates, and nowadays, that also includes viewing the candidates’ social media profiles. Social media posts attacking a previous employer or co-workers can be a red flag, along with repeated, documented instances of behavior such as drug use or heavy alcohol use at parties. Such candidates could be seen as a potential liability to employers, so candidates may do well to be selective about what appears on their social media presence.

Temp Jobs

Not all new hires at a company are rank and file clerks or managers. Temp positions are critical for both the employers and the temp workers alike, and the benefits of a temp job are substantial. For one thing, temp workers are typically paid less than actual employees, making them cost efficient for the employer. And for the temp worker, temp work is a “get your foot in the door” situation; the worker meets people in his/her intended field, learns how the field works, and gets hands-on experience to put on a resume, not to mention earning some money, even if it is below what the other employees make. Sometimes, a temp worker will stay board at the company and become a proper employee with all the benefits, if the temp worker shows interest and also demonstrates personal and professional aptitude for the workplace and the work at hand. And there are plenty of temp agency workers laboring to get candidates into the right company; over 3 million temporary and contract employees can be working for American staffing companies in any given week. A candidate for a temp job can reap the benefits of a temp job once an agency finds him or her a place to work.

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