How to Plan a Show Stopping Custom Trade Show Exhibit

Trade show booth designs Trade show exhibits displays Trade show graphic design

Trade show display exhibits

If your company has ever been part of a trade show, you know that sometimes you can feel like a carnival barker trying to get the attention booth. What many people might take for granted is that regardless of the quality of your product, trade show exhibit design has to be alluring and immersive in order to get foot traffic. Below are a few tips from the experts, that should help you come up with a custom exhibit design that will highlight your product while at the same time draw in spectators.

The Most Successful Trade Show Booth Designs Embrace a Narrative

Human beings love stories, it is part of how we learn and interact with the world. Your exhibit design should have some type of discernible story. When we talk of story we don’t necessarily mean Hansel and Gretel, we mean that there should be a theme or at least some type of arc to your exhibit. There should be a discernible take away for the viewer, then shouldn’t be left scratching their head wondering, “what now?”

Embrace New Technology to Add Appeal to Your Design

We live in a world where information is at the tip of our fingers, so why not embrace the digital age in your presentations. Gone are the days of poster board and tri-folds. By having interactive portions for your custom exhibits you will be sure to attract more foot traffic. Try to take advantage of new video technologies like augmented and virtual reality to give your potential customers a 360 degree perspective of your product. Especially in glutted trade show, a lit bit of innovation goes a long way. By adding tactile and interactive elements, your booth will be set apart from the others.

Divide Your Booth in Concise Sections

It is very easy to overwhelm potential buyers. Picture this, you are in a large convention center, there are thousands of people hundreds of booths, the sound is always elevated, the last thing that you need is a large display with tons of information. As an exhibitor it is your job to narrow the information scope and make it easily accessible to observers. Do this by sectioning off your booth into different areas. This is where the narrative can take place, each section of information should propel observers to wanting to read the next section. Avoid information overload. An overwhelmed potential client while just move on to the next exhibit.

Know Your Audience and Be Prepared to Adapt on the Fly

You wouldn’t leave the house without checking the weather, so why would you go to exhibit without knowing who you will be presenting to. The first step to planning any exhibit is to know who your target audience is going to be. That way you you can tailor your display to their needs. Even with the most calculating of planning there will always be the occasions where you will have to improvise your game plan. Be aware that you might don’t grt the most desirable location or that you might not have access to the internet or power outlets and plan for these contingencies. You should have a minimum of three exhibit designs that can deal with any obstacles you may face.

Planning and executing custom exhibits does not have to be a stressful venture. It just takes a little bit of planning and foresight. Think of it this way, the groundwork you plan before you even step into your venue the smoother it will be to display and ultimately sell you products and services to potential buyers and clients.

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