Increase Sales and Enhance the Customer Experience With Effective Store Signs

Banner displays Mounted brochure holders Retail display fixtures

There are thousands of SKUs launched every year. In 2014, for example, data indicated that 30,000 were launched on an annual basis. While many consumers may not be aware of this, they are exposed on a daily basis to an average of 3,000 ads and other types of of promotional messages. Given this, it may not be surprising to learn that 82% of shoppers will make their final purchase decisions when they’re actually in the store. When being faced with all of these product choices, many shoppers tend to engage in unplanned purchases, or impulse buys.

Even though savvy shoppers will conduct product research on their smartphones, 77% of these individuals will visit a store to purchase the items that they want or need. While in the store, however, a 2014 Mass Merchant Study found that due to noticing a specific display, consumers would make unplanned purchases. In fact, this amounted to 16% of the unplanned purchases according to the study’s results.

It’s interesting to note that shoppers often make quick decisions about what brands to purchase. It’s been found that it can just take three to seven seconds for someone to decide to remain with their usual brand or purchase a different one. Since consumers make about six to ten impulse purchases when they go shopping, having effective signage can attract them to new products or to existing ones that may be unfamiliar to them.

When stores have clear signs directing their customers to various displays, this can create a positive customer experience. A 2011 report indicated that a large percentage of shoppers will pay even more for items when they have a “better,” or positive, experience. This amounts to 86% of the consumers that were referred to in the report.

Whether you own or operate a retail store, such as a supermarket, or another type of facility, there’s an excellent chance that you need different types of signage. Metal sign holder stands and other free standing signs provide your customers, clients, and guests with helpful information. In addition to metal sign holder stands for the interior of your establishment, you may also want to consider having outdoor sign stands. If you’re searching for more creative retail display ideas, you can discuss this in detail when you contact a representative.

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