Installing a Medical Freezer for Vaccines

4 cu ft freezer Lab refrigerator Medical refrigerator freezer

The medical industry in the United States has come a long way in the past two centuries, and one particular area that has seen a lot of growth is that of vaccines, which are essential to preventing infectious, dangerous diseases of all kinds. But vaccines need the proper storage space in hospitals and research labs, along with the bio samples that make vaccines and other medicine possible, and not just any storage unit will do. Refrigerators and freezers for these items, such as a lab freezer, a scientific freezer, or a medical refrigerator will be needed for the safe and effective storage of these medical items in the short term and long term alike. The number of vaccines or samples being stored, as well as the hospital or lab’s available space, may dictate which model is best, such as an undercounter medical refrigerator if there is not enough room on the floor or shelves, or if the unit is too big for shelves. An undercounter medical refrigerator can in fact be very convenient to save room in a smaller lab or hospital, and the crew can use space limits and their budget to determine what model of pharmacy freezer or vaccine refrigerator is best for them. An undercounter medical refrigerator may not be far away if the crew knows what markets to visit for specialized storage needs.

On Vaccines

Countless research and innovations have, over the centuries, led to vaccines and similar medicine known today, and these medical innovations regularly save lives. Vaccines can be traced back to the work of Edward Jenner. In 1791, Mr. Jenner developed what he called the “arm to arm” inoculation method against smallpox. He achieved this by taking material from the blister of a cowpox patient and injecting that material into the arm of another person’s skin, training their body to resist such a disease. The technology and expertise surrounding vaccines grew rapidly, and by the 1940s, vaccines started being mass-produced for the first time, and in that decade, most of them were dedicated to fighting common disease such as smallpox, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough), and a much bigger variety of viruses and other ailments can be fought with modern vaccines.

What work to vaccines to today:?” Many statistics have been compiled to show just how effective this treatment method is, and how many lives are saved every year thanks to them. Speaking broadly, it has been determined that worldwide, vaccines prevent around 2.5 million deaths every year, and some statistics have been gathered to see how effectively particular diseases are resisted thanks to vaccines. For example, the number of deaths caused by measles dropped from 546,000 in the year 2000 to 114,900 in the year 2014, a 79% drop. It has also been found that 93.7% of children aged 19-35 months today are vaccinated against Polio, although some argue that this percentage is not high enough. Also, it is not just children who should get vaccines against common illnesses such as influenza; adults and senior citizens are strongly urged to get updated version of their current vaccines, or to get new vaccines that were not available when those adults were much younger. Senior citizens are urged to get vaccines for illnesses common to them, and illness can spread fast among the inhabitants of a nursing home.

A good Storage Unit

Finding the right storage unit for vaccines, such as an undercounter medical refrigerator, means knowing how much room the lab has for a unit, as well as the number of vaccines or samples to be stored at a time, and a lab or hospital staff should also know what to look for in a freezer unit and how to operate it. No ordinary freezer or fridge will do; their internal temperature varies too widely as the doors are opened and closed, so specialized medical units are best for the job. the CDC recommends storing frozen vaccines at a temperature of -58 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit (-50 to -15 degrees Celsius), and refrigerated vaccines should be stored at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit, or 5 degrees Celsius. This is to prevent a vaccine from going bad due to extreme temperature changes inside the cooling unit.

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