Interested In Picking Up Pottery? Make Sure You Choose The Right Materials First

High temp coatings Itc 100 instructions Kiln repair

You’re thinking of picking up pottery as a new hobby. Maybe you want to start a new Etsy account and sell your wares. Perhaps you need something to shave off anxiety.

The best way to get started on a new path is by putting the right foot forward. Clay is a unique material that can turn out beautifully or terribly depending on minute factors like heat and shape. A ceramic coating supplier can provide you with the necessary materials to make sure every project is more beautiful than the last. The best ceramic coating is designed to make your creation last as long as possible. Whether you’re brand new or have some experience molding and shaping, the list below will give you a starting point.

Here’s what you should keep in mind when developing your new hobby.

Make Sure To Stretch Beforehand

A common issue many artists share today — whether they’re illustrators or sculptors — is joint pain. Failing to follow up on regular stretching and breaks will put you at a higher risk of developing arthritis. It’s recommended you don’t attempt to sculpt with cold hands, as this aggravates already stiff joints and makes the process more painful. Try to take a break every hour, stretching and flexing for 10 minutes to loosen up your muscles. Any pain in your wrists or lower arms is a sign you’re overextending and should take a step back.

Keep An Eye On Your Temperature

Firing up your kiln and creating those cups, bowls, and sculptures you’ve been dreaming of relies on keeping your temperature balanced. Ceramic is a very heat resistant material, able to withstand temperatures of 2,000 degrees Celsius (or 3,800 degrees Fahrenheit). With ITC ceramic coatings, however, it can go even higher to 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The earliest known kilns date all the way back to 6,000 BCE, capable of reaching 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll have to change your ceramic coating kits or kiln element if your heat resistance isn’t meeting standard.

Beware Of Bubbles And Gaps

Here’s one thing that can destroy a project before it’s truly started…bubbles and gaps. It’s important to knead and massage your clay properly, eliminating any bubbles that could cause a crack in the kiln. Your ceramic coating suppliers can provide you with further tips on molding and maintenance, particularly if your projects last for days and need to be stored. Moisture is essential, which you can maintain with spritzing your clay and wrapping it securely in plastic. Failing to do so will leave you with dry, sometimes impossible to mold clay.

Choose The Correct Kiln For The Job

Before you pick your ceramic coating kits, let’s go back to choosing the proper kiln. Kiln elements are able to last up to 100 firings, though this can change depending on whether you’re a hobbyist or a budding professional. The average kiln is able to fire between 1,800 and 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s recommended the objects inside the kiln not placed within an inch and a half of the kiln elements. These rules can seem like a lot to start with, but with a little time you’ll find it all to become second nature.

Buy The Right Products For Your Process

You have quite a few materials to choose from to breathe life into your new hobby. Ceramic coating kits come with the basics and easy instructions to keep you from getting discouraged early on. The five types of ITC ceramic coating include ITC 148, ITC 100HT ceramic coating, and ITC 213 ceramic coating for metals. You can also look into ITC 296A ceramic top coating and ITC 200 EZ ceramic repair for the messy jobs. With the right materials, and a little knowledge, you can achieve just about anything.

Pottery is a relaxing hobby with lovely results. Make sure you invest in the best ceramic coating kits when starting out.

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