The ISO 20000 Certification

Quality standards are important in any business. ISO, or the International Standards Organization, is an international standard setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations, which sets proprietary, industrial, and commercial standards. There are numerous different kinds of ISO standards. The ISO 20000 certification applies to the IT industry. The Iso 20000 certification […]

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Advantages of a Portable Scanner

The best way for a business to back up receipts, business cards, paperwork, and important documents is by using a digital filing system. Storing and managing documents is achieved by using a portable scanner or a business card reader. Laptop scanners and portable scanners can be easily found online. Research shows the average business making […]

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Consider A Mystery Shopping Agency

If you would like to gain customer insights regarding your brand, your staff, and store layouts you might consider utilizing a mystery shopper agency. Top mystery shopping companies utilize targeted experience questionnaire to help you gain insight into customer opinions. These questionnaires target specific customer types and gain meaningful results through a fully customized customer […]

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