Signage Why It’s Effective

Pallet sign holder Poster display rack Poster easel

Pamphlet rack wall mounted

There are many statistics that show just how powerful people’s impulses are when they shop and why it’s important for businesses to take advantage of these impulses through the use of signs. Signs have the ability to attract attention to a product and have the ability to turn a person’s impulses into a sale. Most companies know this. Here are the statistics.

  • According to 2014 data, there are 30,000 SKUs launched annually.
  • On average, consumers are exposed to 3,000 ads and promotional messages every day.
  • A consumer decides to stick with a brad or buy a competitor in 3 to 7 seconds.
  • Between 6 and 10 purchases in a store can be classified as impulse purchases.
  • Although shoppers will use their smartphones to do research on a product, 77% of consumers will go to a store to shop.
  • According to a 2011 report, 86% of consumers will pay more for a better experience.
  • Shoppers make 82% of their purchase decisions in the store.
  • According to a 2014 Mass Merchant Study, 16% of unplanned purchases were due to a display noticed while shopping.
  • The cost to reach 1,000 adults for a sign or a store merchandiser with a life of one year was between 3 cents and 37 cents, compared to $4.05 to $7.75 for a 30 second commercial.
  • Full priced merchandise performed 18% better with signage than without.
  • Several studies, including one from Brigham Young University showed that merchandise with a sign outsold merchandise without a sign by 20%.

There are many important points to take away from these statistics. Part of it has to do with customer experience and customer behaviors when shopping. Others have to do with the amount of merchandise that is being added to the general collection of merchandise every year, while others have to deal with signage.

Signage is extremely important for a customer’s experience in a store. There is little more frustrating for a customer than to find the product they want but it doesn’t have a price on it. Many customers do not want to have to approach a customer representative to be able to find the price. That is a frustrating part.

The other component of signage that is important is that it tilts a person toward one product or another. Signage can help a person find what they need; it can also frustrate a person to the point that they will choose another product. If one product in a sea of competitors is not signed, a customer will like go to the other product.

Signage also can call attention to some merchandise that is on sale or needs to be sold quickly. Signage can help with calling attention to items that are special in some way, are at a higher price point, are being singled out, and more. They help with customer experience but also can be used as a selling tool.

There are many kinds of signs available for people to use. There is the floor sign holder, the display racks, the indoor sign stands, the lobby sign holder, the holders for price tags, the glass door business signs, the flyer stand, the custom retail displays, the custom retail sign holders, and more.

There are other kinds of signs as well. The metal free standing sign holders are helpful in terms of framing a product in an attractive and effective way to get attention. Metal free standing sign holders are good for big signs that attract attention to the product. Metal free standing sign holders are used for directions as well.

Metal free standing sign holders are important for people to find their way around the store or to call attention to certain merchandise.

There are many different kinds of sign holders out there and research has shown that merchandise with signs has a higher chance of being sold than merchandise without signs. This goes back to the customer experience and the frustration a customer may feel when they find a product they want without a sign.

There are other options as well for businesses and companies that wish to display their products effectively and efficiently. Part of this involves hiring a company that does “merchandising,” which is where a person or a group of people manage the merchandise and put signs on the merchandise.

This may be helpful for the company.

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