It is more common than ever to find that your favorite magazines have moved off the shelf and on to the internet. Of course, there are some magazines that are available both online and off, but many magazines met their ends well before bringing magazines online was even an option. For example, This Week magazine had a circulation of 14.6 million subscribers, and was delivered with 42 different newspapers. These days, the variety of magazines online is staggering. If you are looking for a new magazine, starting online may be the best way to find it.
Whether you are a small business owner or a Chief Operating Officer, there are online business magazines to satisfy whatever your business news and knowledge needs might be. For the busy professional, an online business magazine is usually ideal because it is easily accessible. Here are three ways that these online magazines can help you and your business.
- Investments
- Strategies
- Breaking News
If you play with stocks, bonds, commodities, or options, then you know how volatile the investment landscape can be. Keeping abreast of the latest business news is important in trying to predict where certain stocks will go. This is where online business magazines can help you better understand what is happening with your investments. Get tips from the pros and up to the minute prices for Nasdaq, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and whatever other markets you are interested in.
From tips on how to hire, how to be more productive, how to manage a merger, and more, business and financial magazines are often commenting on the strategies that bring businesses success. Professional development does not necessarily have to be a course you take at night school, or a training seminar, it can be as easy as learning new things from experts and analysts in the world of business. Use online magazines to fine tune your strategies and operations.
As previously mentioned, breaking news is important when you have investments, but it can also be important if you are trying to look at the big picture of your industry. If you are in the business of smartphones, and you just learned that Microsoft has bought Nokia, then maybe your business needs to react. Whatever industry you are in, knowing what the rest of your colleagues are doing can make the difference between a missed opportunity and a windfall.
BusinessWeek, Barron’s, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Fast Company, and Entrepreneur all have articles online sometimes corresponding to the articles distributed in their physical issues. Depending on the line of business you are in, you may want to choose specialty online business magazines to access relevant news and advice. Businesses do not operate in a vacuum, so check online to see what the rest of the world is doing so that you can share in its success.