Tackling the Unique Issues of Content Management for Franchising

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The franchising business model poses numerous challenges to the owners of franchise establishments and the franchisors. Brand management is crucial in the franchise business model since your brand is the commodity a franchisee has bought into. Content management systems offer unlimited scalability to franchises no matter how many branches they may offer. Using a website content management system allows fast implementation and integrates easily with existing enterprise software systems.

Many people take advantage of franchise opportunities, there are approximately 750,000 franchises being operated in the United States today. Franchises are always growing, a new franchise opens nearly every 8 minutes during a business day. Such expansion is a boon to employment, franchised businesses account for 170,000 new jobs annually. Across so many franchised businesses, brand management is critical.

Franchise websites should offer customers a consistant look and message, utilizing brand management and a web content management system this can be easily achieved. When a customer is looking for a local franchised establishment, they are going to expect a certain look or feel associated with your brand. If your franchise has not employed brand management the aesthetic your brand represents may be lost.

Franchise websites also offer valuable tools to employees. With more than 8 million people employed by franchises, it is important that franchises treat their employees right. A franchises website may allow employees access to scheduling tools, corporate education and special employee only promotions. Brand management and maintaining corporate identity is critical to both your customers and employees.

Content management systems allows one user, even without great technical knowledge, to create content and make site changes across many associated webpages. Specialized content management tools can even allow you to even make selective changes enabling for example, a regional promotion. If your franchise is in need of a content management system, contacting a developer or content management service can get you on the right path.

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