Three Effective Ways to Make Your Customers Happy and Loyal

Appreciation for customer service Direct buy Good customer care skills

Good customer care

The importance of good customer care skills cannot be understated. Whether you are a company dealing mainly in business to business transactions or you deal exclusively with individual consumers, the fact is that the importance of customer care can be summed up in one word; paramount. If you fail at making customers feel special, it does not matter how good the product or service you offer is. They will stop using it.

Consider, as the Journal Advocate points out, 86% of American consumers are willing to pay more for a business’s products and services when they offer great customer service. Despite this very clear desire for better service, only 37% of businesses provided enough to receive “good” or “excellent” reviews from their customers in 2012. That means 63% received less than a “good” rating.

Do not let your company offer its customers sub-par customer service. If you want your business to succeed, then start learning how to make your customers happy with these three tips.

  1. Build Your Business Around Customers
  2. Forbes recommends that all businesses, regardless of what product they offer, make every decision around their customers. Structure your store fronts to be more accessible to all customers. Hire people with great attitudes, whether they are talking with customers or friends and family. In short, craft an experience in all facets of your business that show customers you care, and you will demonstrate you know how to make your customers happy.

  3. Supplement Your Service
  4. Even if your customer service representatives are the most friendly, your products are of the highest quality, and your customers feel completely satisfied with your service, there is more you can do. Entrepreneur recommends you give your customers the extra knowledge to succeed in whatever they are endeavoring in. Take, for example, a local grocery store. They may sell great products and offer quality customer service, but they do not stop there. When goods are sold, they offer their customers helpful tips on ways to prepare delicious, healthy meals. This shows that the grocers do not see their customers as numbers but as human beings. The customers, for their part, see the store as a source of knowledge and quality products; a potent combination for success.

  5. Constantly Improve Yourself
  6. Walt Disney once said “Do your best work; then try to trump it”. The idea was simple but powerful. No matter what you are doing, regardless of whether or not you already know how to make your customers happy, you cannot stop. As with anything, businesses have two choices; they can evolve or they can die. If your customers offer positive feedback, take it in stride and do more of the good things. If they offer constructive criticism, then take it seriously. See how you can implement their wishes for their sake as well as yours.

There can be no doubt that understanding your customers and offering them everything they need from your company is the best way to stay in business. Keep these tips in mind the next time you are wondering how to make your customers happy. You may just find it is less difficult than you thought. Good refereneces: Direct buy

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