Three Reasons not to Discount Direct Mail Campaigns

Digital color Direct mail campaign

In the current age of digital inbound marketing, it’s tempting for companies to dispense with traditional forms of marketing altogether. No one watches TV or listens to the radio, so why pay exorbitant fees for air time? However, there are a few old-school forms of outreach that are still surprisingly effective. In particular, traditional signage and direct mailers. Experts agree that an online marketing campaign should be coupled with a simple post card mailing service to keep in touch with customers. Not convinced? Here are three reasons that direct mail is more effective than you may think.

Yes, People Still Read It

On average, direct mailers receive almost 40 times more response than email campaigns. In fact, over half of all consumers say that they prefer to receive direct mail, and four out of five consumers say that they open their direct mail immediately. This is always more successful if customers feel that they are receiving personalized marketing that results in quick product fulfillment (even though consumers don’t necessarily think of it in those terms).

Direct Mailers aren’t Wasteful

Digital color is a non-toxic toner, producing less chemical waste than traditional printing services. Marketing teams can reduce waste further by using recycled materials, being strategic about what goes onto their direct mailer, and reducing carbon emissions by finding a supplier that can perform most or all aspects of the product fulfillment from one location.

Direct Mailers Result in Sales

Surprisingly, over half of all consumers believe that direct mailers are a more trustworthy marketing tool. They will often keep their direct mailers on hand for future reference, and over the course of three months, will end up making a purchase that was motivated by a direct mailer. Compared to other forms of engagement with a business (such as following a social media page or following an email newsletter) that’s a pretty effective marketing tool.

Working with a high-quality color digital printing company and having graphic designers on-hand will make sure that your mailers have maximum impact. As long as you have a good marketing campaign, a quality printing and product fulfillment company will be able to put your message in the hands of your clients within days. And that equates to real profits.

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