3 Distinct Advantages of Utilizing LEDs for Marquee Signs

Gsa led sign Outdoor signs for schools School led signs

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It’s imperative that those in charge of a school know how the importance of marquee signs for schools. Statistics show that 71% of those surveyed reported that they often viewed messages that were displayed on billboards. With that in mind, it’s important for a school to ensure that their messages are being seen by the general public. Marquee signs for schools are extremely important purchases for anyone to consider. With that in mind, here are three distinct advantages of utilizing digital marquee signs for your school.

  1. Never Having to Replace Letters Again

    One burden associated with traditional signs is having to change letters or rely on someone to do this work for you. Regardless of what you choose, either option can take quite a bit of time. Considering that, a school is often a place where news needs to be sent out quickly. With that in mind, you’ll find that LED outdoor school signs allow you to easily create and update information on the fly.
  2. Bright Method to Get Your Message Seen

    It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed while looking through a large number of lighting options. You’ll be glad to know that signs made with LED lighting are some of the brightest signage options available. Considering that, utilizing the power of LED lighting on digital school signs helps to ensure that any messages remain highly visible to the public. Many schools are beginning to realize how beneficial it is to utilize LED lighting. In fact, statistics show that by 2019 LEDs will have taken over 53% of the global lighting market.
  3. Utilizing LED is a Cost Efficient Lighting Choice

    However, utilizing LED lighting often proves to be an extremely cost effective solution. This type of lighting maintains a minimal cost while being one of the brightest types of lighting on the market. Therefore, it’s easier for many schools who are facing budget restrictions to utilize this type of lighting in order to avoid spending large amounts of money. Many schools utilize these types of signs to display important messages to the public, especially those relating to fundraising events. These signs are great for ensuring that the public has all relevant information needed in order to find out more about making a donation or pledge. In fact, statistics show that 26% of those surveyed obtained a phone number after seeing it displayed on a billboard.

To summarize, there are several advantages associated with implementing LED lighting for the signage of your school. Digital marquee signs for schools feature messages that are entered without having to have someone replace letters manually. This means your school will save costs related to both time and money versus using more traditional signs. If you want your outdoor sign to appear as bright as possible, it’s wise to utilize LED lighting. In addition, digital marquee signs for schools that are made with LED lighting tend to be extremely cost effective solutions, especially for those schools with tight budgets.

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