3 Statistics About Diversity in the Workforce

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Do you work in human resources at your company? Perhaps you are simply interested in the different dynamics of a business like how people are hired and how diversity is handled. All businesses have to consider everything from age diversity in the workplace to managing a multigenerational workforce. It is no easy task and requires planning in human resources and efforts made by those higher up in the business to ensure that a diverse workforce is hired. From attending conferences with a funny keynote speaker who addresses these issues to listening to a managing millennials speaker, all of this can help in the process.

Interested in learning more about how diverse the workforce is and how to help your company make strides toward a more inclusive dynamic? Keep reading for more information about a multigenerational workforce.

3 Statistics About Diversity in the Workforce

There are a variety of ways to learn how to make your workplace more diverse. Attending conferences with a funny keynote speaker who addresses the issue is one tactic. Another is finding ways to recruit diverse employees through incentives. Here’s three things to know about diversity in the workforce that could help your company progress.

1. How CEOs can make a difference

According to the PwC’s 18th Annual Global CEO survey, CEOs make an impact on whether or not a company engages in practices to become more diverse and inclusive. For instance, 64 percent of the companies whose CEO completed the study said that there were strategies in place in their company to promote diversity and inclusiveness. 85 percent of these companies claimed that by working on improving diversity, it enhanced business performance overall.

2. Multigenerational workforce

If your company has yet to experience this, it is likely that it soon will. There are five generations in the workforce currently meaning your company needs to be prepared to deal with the diversity this bring along. Right now, the workforce is made up of 37 percent millennials. Around 25 percent of the workforce will be 55 years old by 2019, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Teens in the workforce, however, decreased over the last 18 years to only 35 percent today.

3. Providing for the different generations

Each generation requires a different type of learning, instruction, incentive, etc. Just as you may prefer to learn from a funny keynote speaker, another person may prefer someone a little bit more serious. In the workforce, millennials are known for their preference for frequent feedback. Other generations prefer traditional performance reviews. As a company, it is important to consider these differences and act accordingly to suit the variety of employees in the office.

Now that you know a little bit more about the make-up of the workforce and how to promote diversity and inclusivity in your office, what strategy will your company implement? From planning a conference with a funny keynote speaker to learn about these issues to hiring a diversity manager to help, there are plenty of ways to improve.

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