4 Ways to Prevent Fires in Warehouses

Fire sprinkler inspection service Fire sprinkler inspections Fire sprinkler service

It’s imperative that managers avoid the dangers associated with warehouse fires. Fortunately, statistics show that fires in warehouses have dropped significantly over the past 30 years. There were an estimated 4,700 warehouse fires occurring in 1980. However, this total dropped to 1,200 in 2011. While this is great news, fires are still occurring in warehouses. In order to avoid this situation, it’s important to know a few safety tips. Considering that, here four ways to prevent fires from occurring in your company’s warehouses.

  • Implement Strict Smoking Rules

    Regardless of the negative side effects, many people smoke cigarettes daily. This creates a difficult situation for warehouse owners. The ember from a burning cigarette can cause massive fires, especially near warehouses full of products and equipment. However, there’s nothing wrong with giving workers an area for smoking cigarettes. However, you’ll want to ensure that you’re following proper safety laws and regulations. This means having smoking areas that are reasonable distances from your warehouse buildings.
  • Continuous Fire Safety Training

    Company owners know the importance of continuous training. This type of training allows workers to know they’re performing their jobs in the best possible manner. Unfortunately, certain companies sometimes neglect the importance of proper fire safety training. This can have devastating effects should a fire occur in your company’s warehouses. To avoid this problem, always make sure that employees are receiving up to date fire safety training.
  • Have an Emergency Plan

    It’s imperative that all employees are aware of what to do in the event that a fire occurs. Many companies accomplish this goal by implementing an emergency fire escape plan. This plan is something that all employees follow in the event of a fire. Having this type of plan in places helps avoid unnecessary confusion and stress.
  • Contact a Fire Protection Service

    One aspect of managing a successful business is having the right partners. With that in mind, many businesses hire fire protection services. As a business owner, it’s unlikely that you have time to learn how to perform fire sprinkler maintenance work. A fire protection service takes care of inspection and installation needs for commercial properties. This means you’re able to save time and effort while ensuring that your business remains protected from the threat of fires.

In closing, it’s important for warehouse managers to avoid fires in the workplace. Considering that, many businesses partner with fire protection companies. A fire protection company will take steps to make sure your alarms and sprinklers are in proper working condition. Statistics gathered from the National Fire Protection Association has no record of any fire ever killing more than two individuals inside buildings that are completely sprinklered. If you want to keep your warehouses safe, it’s wise to consider contacting a fire protection company right away.

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