Fires are unpredictable. No one ever plans to have their building catch fire and have it be destroyed. Fires can be devastating. It is so important to have not only fire prevention in place but to also have a way to extinguish the fire if one ever does erupt in the building.
For businesses such as hotels, apartment buildings, office buildings, etc., it may not be enough to simply call the fire department when a fire erupts in the building. These fires can be huge, and timing is crucial. If no one in the building notices the fire for even 5 minutes while it is still small, the fire department may not get there in time to save the building or the people inside of it from complete devastation. That’s it is important to take the extra steps in order to prevent and extinguish fires in the best way possible in large buildings. There are several types of fire protection services, and here are some.
Fire Alarm System (Detection)
Installing fire alarm systems is one of the first and probably best steps to take in order to get the word out as soon as possible that there is a fire in the building. Fire alarm systems can be linked directly to the local fire department so that they receive the fire call as soon as the alarm detects that there is a fire. This can save very critical time, and they fire department may be able to get there and put out the fire before any serious damage happens.
Sprinkler Systems
Sprinkler systems are a huge part of fire safety, especially in large buildings. They are one of the most important types of fire protection services. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)’s records show that no fire has been known to kill more than two people in a building that is fully equipped with sprinklers where the sprinkler system was properly operating. Having a complete, functional sprinkler system in the building could save many lives.
Regular Inspection
Last but not least, it is very important to have regular fire alarm inspections. It’s all fine and dandy to have a fire alarm system, but if it doesn’t work, the damage that can result could be horrible. Having your fire safety system completely inspected on a regular basis is critical to ensure safety and protection of your building and those in it.
Remember, there are several types of fire protection services. When you are choosing yours, think about fire alarms, sprinkles, and getting the system inspected regularly.