Looking to relocate your business? If so, plan early in advance to make sure you have clear moving systems with all team members onboard. Four key steps to consider before relocating your business.
Step 1: Start planning as soon as possible, at least 3 months before the move. For medium and large corporates 6 to 8 months is sufficient time. You don’t want to disturb your team productivity; instead, you want an efficient team that performs.
Establish your budget and the resources you’ll need for the move: Run it by top management, and allocate a budget with enough money to cover all moving costs. You need to set aside some extra cash just for the unanticipated events that often occur when moving.
Step 3: Conduct research to identify the best office moving company: We recommend getting at least three quotations from different moving providers before deciding on the best one for you in terms of cost and service delivery. For commercial relocation, the moving company should be insured.
Step 4: Remember to update your new address on all platforms, from social media, Google to envelopes and return badges. Now ensure that you are totally ready for your new office moving experience and the new location you are moving to.
Finally, relocating an office space may seem to be far more difficult than a simple residential move. However, with these simple tips, you can see that it all comes down to preparation.