How often do you look at billboards when you are driving down the road? Most drivers and passengers do pay attention to the billboards they pass. At least 71% of them say they read the signs they pass. Another 38% of consumers report only finding some businesses because they saw the sign. That number includes people who shop at large retail stores like Best Buy. At least 17% of the people who walk into Best Buy locations around the country say they were prompted by the iconic signs they all have. In terms of advertising dollars, on site electronic signs for businesses have the same value as 24 full pages advertisements taken out in newspapers. It is important to your our outdoor business LED signs right. Here are some tips to help you get the most from your digital signs for business.
- Take a look at your sign at different times of the day. When you design your sign, you also have to give a lot thought to where you will place it. There are a number of options that businesses have to make sure they get the most visibility as is possible for their outdoor LED displays. You may think you have found the perfect spot for your sign, and you may have. You will not know how “perfect” that placement is until you have checked out how it looks throughout the day. Look at it at sunset, in the afternoon, in the morning and at night. You may find that the sign looks perfect in the early afternoon but then at sunset, it is lost in the sun. That may not be a big deal but it may be the best time to attract people to your business. Electronic signs for business are useless if people cannot read it.
- Look at your sign from the driver and the pedestrian point of view. Walk by your business at different times of the day. Do the same thing in your car. Depending on where your business is, you may benefit a lot from foot traffic. Or your business may be in a location where people are going to see your electronic signs for business from their vehicles. Either way, you need to make sure the people you are trying to attract can see your sign. It is too easy to overlook the way a sign may appear from either the road or the sidewalk.
- Keep your message simple. As much as people do look at electronic signs for business, they do not have a lot of time to scrutinize them. If they are in their car, they may have only a few seconds to read and digest the message on your sign. Even if they are stuck in traffic right near your sign or if they are walking down the street, you are in a much better position if they can get the meaning of your sign almost immediately. If they have to spend too much time thinking about the meaning of your message, it will be much less effective.
- Make sure your colors work well together. You want to have colors in your sign that look good and work well together. It is easy to make your sign look too busy or cluttered when you gunk it all up with too many colors that do not work as well together. They should be bright and contrast with each other but they should not induce seizures in people passing by.
- Use an easy to read font. This is incredibly important. Your sign will be totally useless if no one can read it. Sans serif fonts, such as Arial, made large enough to read from a distance are a lot more effective for electronic signs for business than fancy or ornate fonts that no one can read. If you are not sure about the font you are using, get a second opinion from someone who does not work for your business. Remember that the way the sign looks on your computer screen may be different from the way it looks on an LED sign.
The right sign can help grow your business.