Curb Appeal for Businesses 10 Tips to Impress Clientele


Are you a proud business owner? Do you take great pride in maintaining your property and taking on new clients? If so, then you hopefully understand the curb appeal for businesses. Curb appeal refers to the overall aesthetic beauty of your property. Despite what some people may think, curb appeal doesn’t only matter for residential properties as it’s just as important for commercial ones. Here are 10 tips to impress your clientele with your amazing curb appeal.

1. Update Your Paved Lot

Before the client steps into your smart technology-enhanced meeting room or takes a sip of a custom-made latte from your company kitchen, the first thing they’ll see is your parking lot. Can you imagine an important client driving in only to experience a series of bumps as they hit several potholes or trip over cracks after they get out of the car? Avoid such embarrassment by hiring a parking lot striping business to update your paved parking lot area.

Curb appeal for businesses involves having a smooth parking space for current and potential clients to feel safe driving and walking around in. You can ensure that your parking space has a smooth surface by having a leveled-out area and then having it covered with asphalt paving. If clients don’t have to drive on an uneven surface, they’re less likely to experience damage to their tires. You can also ensure there are designated parking lines so that there’s no issue about where to park. Having signs that give specific guidance when people are driving in and out of the area can prevent accidents and make your space look more professional. In other words, you don’t want a client to get into an accident just for coming to your meeting. Being liable for damage to their personal or company car could be a major blight to your overall branding and reputation.

2. Enhance Landscaping Elements

Nothing adds to curb appeal more than a beautiful landscape. So curb appeal for businesses should always include a local landscaper who can regularly come to mow your lawn. What if you don’t have natural greenery surrounding your building? That problem can be solved with hydroseeding professionals. Hydroseeding is the process in which professionals spray a bunch of seeds, fertilizer, mulch, and other additives into the surrounding soil. It helps to quickly establish vegetation, and you’ll begin to see the seedlings sprout within a few weeks. Before you know it, the mixture will create fresh grass around your area. Many businesses use this technique, such as government facilities, airports, and other areas that understand what curb appeal for businesses means.

If you already have beautiful greenery around you, you could further maintain it when landscapers regularly add fertilizer that can not only keep the grass green but can prevent weeds from sprouting. It’s imperative to prevent weeds on your local landscape because weeds will suck all the nutrients out of the soil, which can cause your grass to turn yellow and can kill other plants like flowers and possibly trees.

Do you have any trees on your property? Make sure you contact a local tree company to keep up regular care. Trees should have regular trimming and pruning. This trimming can keep trees healthy and disease-free. It can also reduce the likelihood of a tree dying prematurely. When you help trees stay healthy on your property, your structural elements, commercial septic tank, and any visitors to your property can also remain safe.

What about flowers? Landscaping professionals can also use their green thumb to plant flowerbeds strategically around your property. Flowers have a great psychological appeal for most people. Whether you’re entranced by their beautiful colors, shapes, or smells, flowers have a powerful impact on adding to curb appeal for businesses.

3. Hire a Property Management Professional

As a business owner, you have your hands full with many elements. While you’re the main person in charge, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hand over regular management duties to a designated professional. Therefore, you should hire a property management professional or company who can ensure that your commercial space is in compliance and safe. There are many things to manage when it comes to curb appeal for businesses. A property management firm can ensure the right landscapers, septic tank professionals, plumbers, and janitors are on deck. They’ll be the point of contact if there’s an issue with the building. Keep staff happy by making sure that their requests are being fulfilled or complaints are being fixed quickly. A property management professional can handle small problems before they turn into larger ones that could be costly or affect your business reputation.

4. Get Septic Inspections

Can you imagine a client stepping onto your property and smelling waste? When you don’t keep up with septic tank repair, that’s exactly what can happen. Your septic tank is responsible for storing all the waste matter and dirty water that comes out of the building. According to Bob Vila, you should have septic tank pumping at least every three years. If you don’t keep up with regular pumping and inspections, you may end up with a full septic tank that could eventually run over. When septic tanks get clogged, it can affect your bathroom drains as you may end up having clogged pipes and slow drains. It can also lead to toilets that no longer flush and will begin to overflow. If that happens, your building may have water damage from overflowing toilets. Before you know it, mold may be sprouting in such an environment.

Curb appeal for businesses means having a place that not only looks clean but also smells and is clean. By keeping your septic tank functioning normally, you’ll have a commercial space that’s sanitary for workers and visitors alike.

If you’re unsure if you need early septic inspections or updates, take a look outside and see how your drainage fields look. Regardless of how green your grass already is, if you’re noticing patches that are greener than others, that may signal that you’re having septic leakage in that area. Also, be on the lookout for trees that have overgrown roots. Overgrown tree roots are known for puncturing septic tanks. As a result, your septic tank can leak sewage into the ground and create a contaminated environment. It could further contaminate the local water supply. So as you can see, this element of curb appeal isn’t just to keep your area looking good. It can also ensure your company is in compliance when it comes to local regulations.

5. Start Power Washing

Your curb appeal will be greatly reduced if there’s visible dirt and mildew on area surfaces. That’s why you should hire a power washing company to come and clean surfaces that are easy to reach. This type of washing involves using high-pressure water to clean common surfaces. You can use pressure cleaning services to wash off your company’s sidewalks or walkways. If you have a commercial fence, it can remove dirt, mold, and mildew from that area without damaging the fencing. If you have any outdoor furniture, whether it’s made of plastic, metal, or wood, a good pressure washing can make sure that it’s clean enough to impress any client that’s coming by.

6. Hire a Commercial Painter

A new exterior paint job is an obvious way to increase curb appeal for businesses. When you hire commercial painters for the job, they do more than just add a coat of paint outside your building. Their entire process can make your exterior walls look brand new again. They start by pressure washing the walls and ensuring their surfaces are as smooth as possible. Part of that also involves sanding down the surface and repairing any dents, cracks, or holes that are on your exterior walls. Once your outside walls are smooth and repaired, then painters add a layer of primer. After the primer goes on, they’ll add several coats of paint in the color of your choosing. From there, they’ll add any protective sealants to help protect the paint job from the elements so it can last for at least ten years or more.

Even if you repaint your building in the same color, a fresh paint job will still make it look new again, especially when you have expert care that involves repairing and pressure washing the walls. Or you may opt to update your building in a more trendy color. Consider using the color theme from your company logo on your exterior walls. A beautiful exterior paint job can go a long way in impressing new clients. If the building can be seen from a distance, it’ll stand out in a busy area and may encourage people to come in off the street.

7. Upgrade Openings

Windows and doors are vulnerable points in any building. In addition to adding safety and security, they also add to curb appeal for businesses. When you call a window and door installation company, you’re taking the first step to updating your building with a beautiful metal fireproof door that can also have custom engravings. There are many types of windows to consider for your business. The type of window you choose can depend on the type of building you have. You can take out those outdated single-pane windows and exchange them for double-pane ones that are also more energy efficient. If it suits your property, you may also want to consider French windows.

Exterior awnings play a role in not only making your building more energy-efficient but also in providing shade. They also add to your building theme. You can paint your awnings in whatever trimming color goes with the rest of the building. They can also have special designs on them to make them stand out.

8. Plant Trees

As mentioned, landscaping is a must when it comes to curb appeal for businesses. Regardless of how many trees you may have, you may need to plant some more for better effect. Imagine how a client would feel when they step out of the car and immediately breathe in the fresh air due to the cleansing properties that trees bring. They’ll probably also hear birds singing and see squirrels dancing around since healthy trees attract friendly nature.

If your business has enough space, plant extra trees to enhance the overall appeal of the property as well as benefit from how trees can save on energy costs. A local tree nursery has budding trees that someone can plant in your commercial space. Strategically planting trees in the right areas not only helps with energy costs but also reduces noise pollution. You can further add to your curb appeal by having a few fruit trees in your commercial space. Depending on your local environment, you may have apple trees, peach trees, nut trees, and more. Imagine giving your client a gift of a basket of fruits and nuts that you’ve grown right on your commercial grounds!

9. Replace Your Roof

Local roofing services are available to ensure your commercial building has a strong and beautiful roof. Remember, your roof is one of the most visible parts of your building, so don’t ignore it until a problem happens. Depending on the material you use, your roof can match the color of the rest of the building. With the right upgrades, such as with metal or slate, you can have a commercial roof that can last up to 70 years, according to Bob Vila.

10. Clean Your Roof

Like any other part of your building, your roof can get dirty. Remember, your roof is part of your protection from the elements. So rain, snow, ice, dirt, mildew, mold, moss, and algae can all build up on your roof and begin to make it look unsightly. Hire a regular roof cleaning service to make sure that unwelcome dirt buildup and pests aren’t congregating on your roof and making it look like an eyesore.

As a business owner, you probably take pride in the services and products that you provide. Regardless of the type of business you run, don’t lose sight of how your building looks when it comes to impressing clientele. While they may be impressed with your service and business, they can be turned off if exterior upkeep isn’t up to par. By following these tips to impress clientele, you’ll easily be able to gain more clients and create a welcoming space for all.

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