Diagnostic Instruments Help Companies in a Variety Continue to Work Efficiently

Compressor turbine services Gas turbines Turbine support services

Used in casting, engine service and maintenance, fuel systems, hydraulics, metal machining, precisions shooting, turbine support services, and welding, borescopes play an important role. Providing inside visual images, borescope inspection services provide important information about any problems that exist and repairs that may be needed. Likewise, turbine inspections also provide valuable diagnostic and repair information.

Today’s machines are both complex and expensive, so it means that it is very important to make sure that they work efficiently and are well maintained. With the use of borescope and turbine support services, companies can make sure that they machines and instruments that they invest in remain in good working condition. Hiring an outside provider to make sure that all of the readings are as accurate as possible can help companies maintain their important machines and instruments.

Consider some of these facts and figures about the inspection industry and the various instruments that are used to make sure that equipment is in its best working order:

  • In contrast to a single cycle steam power plant, which is limited to efficiencies of around 35% to 42%, a combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) plant can achieve a thermal efficiency of nearly 62% in base-load operation.
  • Heavy frame engines and aeroderivative engines are the two types of land based gas turbines.
  • Steam turbines have been used since the 1880s for the production of electricity.
  • At 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit versus 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit for a steam turbine, gas turbines typically operate at a much higher temperature than steam turbines.
  • Extracting almost 750 billion cubic meters of natural gas, the U.S. was the largest producer of natural gas worldwide in the year 2016.
  • Compressor module, combustion module, and turbine module are the three primary modules in a gas turbine.

In all of these examples, however, it is important that all of the turbines and other kinds of machines and equipment are in perfect condition in order that they are both efficient and safe. With the use of video and photo capture during a borescope inspection, engineers can use this documentation to make sure that the necessary repairs are made.

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