How Are Low Voltage Cables Installed?


If you don’t work with low voltage cables, you may be interested to know how they are installed in your business or warehouse. Keep reading to learn how low voltage cabling is installed.

Sometimes during construction, a customer chooses to add an additional location. This happens more often than not during construction.

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When this happens, the construction workers need to adjust to meet the customer’s needs. For example, if there was a solid, finished wall and the customer requested another data location, the wall would be trenches and some conduit put in to meet the customer’s needs.

During construction in the warehouse there are access locations throughout the entire area. This allows the customer and workers to access the wireless network throughout the warehouse.

If the customer wishes to add another data location after the fact, what they do is run a white cable which complements the ceiling and doesn’t show.

An 18-2 low voltage cable gives plenty of connectivity to speakers, a couple speakers can create a sound system throughout the entire building.

To learn more about how low voltage cables are installed, watch the video above!


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