Intellectual Property Case Support

Arbitrator Commercial litigation Pharmaceuticals

Defending intellectual property can result in complex civil litigation that drags on endlessly. Avoiding those long-term litigations, and delivering the best possible outcome for clients starts with having a support system that you can depend on.

Intellection property disputes are often rife with accusations and loads of case files to deal with. It can easily be overwhelming for any firm, large or small, to have to manage on its own.

Intellectual Property Disputes

Over the last two decades there has been a tremendous uptick in intellectual property disputes in the US. This uptick in filings has caused a bit of a “log jam” in the federal court system. It is not unheard of for these types of cases to really go the distance before reaching a settlement.

As more of these types of cases are filed in the Federal Court system, hearing dates are pushed further and further back, and cases are coming under much tighter scrutiny. Before your claim ever reaches the docket it has to be able to stand up to the scrutiny of the overworked clerks office.

One mistake in the filing, can mean your case is headed to the bottom of the pile. Errors alone can add months to a claim. The right support can change all that.

Resolving The Dispute Early On

Ideally, in a perfect legal world, disputes would be addressed swiftly. Unfortunately, contractual disputes involving intellectual property can drag on for decades. Just the research alone can take months, briefs can take months, waiting on a court date can take years. All of it means:

  • Increase in costs.
  • Time taken from other cases.
  • Unpredictable outcomes.

An experienced arbitrator can help to move an intellectual property case through the system quicker. The right arbitrator will help to facilitate an agreement without having to wait on court backlogs.

When Arbitration Does Not Find a Solution

In some cases, even the best arbitrator cannot persuade two sides to meet in the middle. When your claim (or defense) is headed to court, you need support. You need an expert on your team that can pull relevant case information, set up mock trials, review briefings, and manages the overall case.

Expert assistance managing your intellectual property case means you have the time you need to focus on other cases. It also means that you can free up the time of your research assistants. Every attorney knows accurate information and persuasive argument wins cases.

With the right support you can save time, money, and improve the outcome for your client. Learn how.

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