Six Ways to Increase Sales With Outdoor LED Display Signs

Electronic signs for business Marquee signs Outdoor led display

Marquee signs for businesses

A business is in business because they sell goods to consumers. In order for consumers to know about the goods and services they must see them or be shown. Outdoor LED displays help businesses communicate with customers throughout the day whether they are driving by or walking by a business. Approximately 35 percent of people admit they would not have ever discovered a business if the business did not have some sort of sign up. Increasing customers and sales is not the only thing an outdoor LED display can do for your business though.

Advertise According to the Season

Certain seasons warrant special sales and advertising no matter what type of business you are in. Spring time is the perfect time to highlight spring cleaning, warmer weather, change in outfits and colder drinks. Holidays are great times to show off holiday gear, food, drinks or decorations. By advertising according to the current season you catch the attention of more potential customers and spark curiosity, which can cause them to stop in and take a peak.

Impulse Buying

A number of consumers are impulse buyers and make their shopping decisions based on impulses. Attract potential impulse buyers with an outdoor LED display. Post sales and buy on get one free specials on items to attract customers.

Be a Part of the Community

Show the community that you are involved with what is going on and that you support them by displaying it on your outdoor LED display. Congratulate the local sports teams and youth sports for jobs well done and when they advance out of the region. Wish local birthdays to employees and important members of the community, and welcome and support local heroes around the community. This shows the residents that you are involved and encourages them to shop locally and help business within the community.

Colors and Flashing Lights

Admit it, you’ve been driving by when a flashing outdoor LED display has caught your eye and you couldn’t help but read it. LED business signs that flash are more likely to attract wanted attention. Marquee signs for businesses convey messages to the community, but full color LED signs catch their attention while conveying the message.

Don’t be Afraid to Experiment

Play around with images on your outdoor LED display. Use symbols, icons and animation to relay your message, increase visibility and attract customers. Many people passing by your sign make a decision to visit your business within four to six minutes of seeing a sign. Sometimes when driving it is hard to read a message displayed on a billboard or outdoor LED display. An image is worth a thousand words and can reach more passing people than a long message. Play around with symbols and see which ones seem to attract the most customers.

Advertise Specific Time Sensitive Sales

Certain times of the day are better for attracting customers. Advertise morning specials such as breakfast, or coffee specials which will attract commuters on their way to work. During the evening target families with special dinner sales. Later in the evening happy hour and drink specials can be advertised to attract the right customers.

When considering how to advertise for your business outdoor LED displays are the best choice. Roughly 85 percent of customers who come into a business live or work within five miles of it, so targeting as many of these potential customers as possible is necessary for your businesses success. Around 71 percent of people look at and read messages on billboards and signs, without proper signage for your business you are missing out on potential customers which means more sales and generates more revenue.

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