A house or a public building has a number of working parts to keep the building functional, from the plumbing to the heating and cooling systems to insulation in the walls and windows that prevent drafts. The insulation and electric systems, meanwhile, are connected in the sense that a poorly insulated building will leak warm or cool air, and this forces an air conditioner or heater to work overtime, which adds to a building’s electric bill every year, something that no homeowner wants. If a home or a building does not have proper insulation, this can both uncomfortable and lead to an inflated electric bill, so a house or commercial building may need spray foam applied to its inner walls to boost its insulation, and spray foam can be applied to the attic, too, since warm and cool air often escape through the roof as well as the walls and windows. A homeowner or public building manager can do this themselves with the right spray foam equipment like a spray foam gun or a small spray foam insulation rig. Bigger jobs call for professional crews who work for the spray foam business, and their spray foam insulation equipment will be up to the task.
Insulation and a Building
Why should someone call upon a crew to bring over spray foam insulation equipment for a building? If a house or a public building has poor insulation in its roof and walls, then warm air will often leak out in winter and cooler air will escape in summer, and this may also happen if the building has drafty windows or doors. This forces the air conditioner and heater to work overtime to adjust for the constant loss of warmed or cooled air, and given how over 50% of a home’s energy goes toward the HVAC systems, this can result in a hefty energy bill until spray foam insulation equipment is used to seal up these drafts. A homeowner might not only use spray foam insulation equipment but also replace drafty windows and doors. This may be especially important for homes in very hot or cold regions, where HVAC is used a lot.
The numbers make it clear that using spray foam kits or large spray foam rigs can save a lot of money in the long run, making it a great investment. The EPA’s Energy Star Program, for example, has stated that adding proper insulation to a home and sealing air leaks may lower monthly energy bills by as much as 20%. Conversely, up to 40% of a building’s energy loss may be due to poor insulation, showing that an efficient system is money-conscious. And seeing how HVAC employment rats are due to rise about 15% from 2016 to 2026, it would save a lot of energy overall if all these new HVAC systems had well-insulated homes to work in. Overall, it has been estimated that if the energy efficiency of all commercial buildings was boosted by 10%, the savings would total to $40 billion, a considerable amount. And seeing as a lot of this energy (82%) comes from fossil fuels, which damage the environment, it could also contribute to the “go green” initiative to make homes energy-efficient so less fuel is burned for powering all these HVAC systems in homes across the nation.
Spray Foam Insulation Equipment
It is never too late to add new spray foam insulation to a building or home, and a building under construction should certainly have spray foam added during a construction project. For smaller jobs, a person may buy their own spray foam kits and spray foam guns and do this work themselves. For bigger jobs, such as a commercial building, it is best to hire an entire crew who will have large spray foam rigs, and the crew members will apply spray foam in a large area with their industrial-strength gear. Whether spraying this foam is done alone or with a crew, it should be noted that safety comes first. To protect from spray foam chemicals, crews and individuals should wear eye protection such as goggles, and use breathing protection such as a surgical mask or even a respirator for larger jobs, to avoid damage to the lungs, nose, or eyes.