The Benefits of HiringDocument Management Companies

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Rapid city electronic document management system

Running a successful business is not easy, and that is why so many business owners in the United States try everything in the book to make sure that their business is successful. This ranges from providing the right type of workplace to maybe even providing coffee for workers because people love to drink coffee and it helps them be more productive. It can even involve hiring a top of the line cleaning service to come in and take care of cleaning the office.

What is most important for a business owner in the United States, however, is to make sure that are minimizing costs in the workplace. One of the best ways that a company can do this is by simply cutting paper out of the workplace. This probably seems far-fetched but with the rise of technology, this idea is much closer to the business world than anyone could even imagine. Here is what you need to know about working with digital document management companies.

Right now in the United States, estimates have revealed that the individual office worker will end up using about 10,000 sheets of paper per year. Now that technology is on the rise, there are digital clouds that businesses can purchase where they can store documents. Then, these businesses are able to access these documents whenever they need to.

There are benefits of print services and working with print management companies, but they pale in comparison to the benefits of working with electronic document management services. Being able to use digital document management companies is so great for modern business because they can save money in a simple way by avoiding the wasting of paper.

The Paperless Project coalition has revealed that 85% of all business documents are still in paper form. Do not waste paper like this, instead hire a digital document management companies to come create a web for you to store documents in. These electronic document management companies will help you cut costs that come with wasting so much paper.

The four departments or aspects of a company that benefits most from document management systems include Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Contracts Management, and Human Resources. It is equally important though to make sure the business is minimizing costs and hiring digital document management companies will go a long way for helping a business avoid wasting money.

The third largest expense in most offices across the nation involves the costs from printers and copiers, and it lands right behind and payroll. Do not allow these costs to take away your profit, work with digital document management companies to minimize your costs in this area. The average employee will cost a company anywhere between $600 and $1,300 each year. Do not allow this to happen to you.

Interact reported that 20% of the business time is wasted by employees searching for information in order to do their jobs effectively. Filing accounts for a great deal of office debt. In fact, on average, filing costs about $20 per document, and every misfiled document costs businesses $125 in lost productivity. According to, 17% of everything printed is considered waste.

Misfiled, mislabeled, and untracked documents take time away from your business and your employees. As a matter of fact, dealing with those issues can cost a business an average of four weeks every single year. Even worse, just about 15% of all paper documents are misplaced and over 7% of these documents are lost completely according to the Gartner Group. Work with digital document management companies to get the best result for your business.

In Conclusion

There is no question that a large amount of money can easily be wasted on simply printing out paper that serves no purpose. If you are going to end up throwing away that paper or shredding it then why even go through the process of wasting the paper to begin with? Work with document management companies so that you can avoid wasting paper because according to statistics this can help save a lot of money each year for small businesses.

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