The Middleman Between Lead And Gold The Environmentally-Friendly Tungsten Carbide

Carbide insert Price of tungsten carbide Tungsten scrap

Tungsten carbide inserts scrap material

What’s in a material? This is a question that’s been asked extensively by the tungsten carbide recycling industry over the past few decades. The benefits of tungsten carbide has slowly but surely been revealed through the aid of recycling professionals, engineers and scientists alike, providing countless industries with more economically and environmentally viable means of providing high-quality products to consumers. Should your business be considering an overhaul, there’s no better place to start than with tungsten carbide.

What Is Tungsten Carbide?

The world is changing as we know it. In order to stay ahead of the times and keep your business economically relevant you need to know what materials are in high demand. Tungsten carbide is a mineral that can be used in a wide variety of applications, offering many production facilities a safer and more reliable means of crafting everyday items. It wasn’t always this way, however.

Where Did Tungsten Carbide Come From?

Did you know tungsten carbide was originally discovered nearly 240 years ago? Back in the late 1700’s its properties were just starting to be fully understood, though it would not be fully implemented across industries until 150 years after the fact. Tungsten carbide now comes in at least a dozen different grades, all of which can be used for large and small items. As of now the tungsten carbide recycling industry has enjoyed great success providing both customers and businesses incentive for change through recycling carbide inserts, drill bits and more.

How Durable Is Tungsten Carbide?

The staying power of tungsten carbide and, by association, the tungsten carbide recycling industry, is due to its durability. Tungsten carbide boasts twice the stiffness of steel as well as double the density, somewhere between lead and gold in terms of quality. On the Moh’s hardness scale (a standard used for all metals) it lands between 8.5 and 9. This falls just behind diamonds at their legendary 10. The most commonly used binders for tungsten carbide are both cobalt and nickel, added by percentage by weight from 3% to even 30%.

Is Tungsten Carbide Recyclable?

Arguably the best factor about tungsten carbide is not even its durability and flexibility, but the fact it can be easily recycled and re-purposed back into the industry. The tungsten carbide recycling industry sees 66% of all available tungsten scraps either used in the United States or exported worldwide for recycling purposes. This is a major boon for industries struggling under environmental strain and in desperate need of reprieve. All of these factors and more have cemented tungsten carbide as the king of materials.

Should I Use Tungsten Carbide?

In a short? Absolutely. To sell your tungsten carbide hard scrap or to seek out tungsten carbide powder buyers is to become part of the environmentally green movement. You provide useful materials for additional industries, offer your own business ideal materials and keep recycling power firmly on top. Tungsten only appears naturally when combined with calcium and iron, but can be recycled constantly to keep multiple companies afloat without sacrificing quality. Consider adding tungsten based alloys or tungsten carbide bits to your repertoire and reap the benefits throughout every layer of society.

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