What Do Job Perks, Cost Savings, and Productivity Have In Common? Telecommuting

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Commuting to work during rush hour traffic, sharing a cubicle wall with a nosy co-worker, ruthlessly competing with others for the best office suites, or having someone take your sandwich from the break room?s refrigerator are all modern professional nightmares. Dealing with people day in and day out can be taxing for many who find themselves more productive when they work alone. If you feel like you can relate to any of the grievances above, then I?m sure you have heard of virtual office suites, or telecommuting.

One of the benefits of living in the Information Age is the shift from commuting to physical offices to the idea of working out of virtual office suites. For some, this shift may seem daunting and worrisome. No matter if you are for or against the concept of virtual office suites or working remotely, read on to discover the top three benefits of telecommuting.

  1. Job Perk: In the United States, 80% of professionals believe the opportunity to work remotely is a major job perk, with the emphasis being placed on not having to commute. 14% of Americans have chosen another job just to shorten their daily commute, which makes sense why the option of employees having virtual offices is seen as a benefit. In addition, Sun Microsystems, an American computer company, found that employees who worked from home used 60% of their time normally allotted for commuting towards working.

    1. Cost Savings: Working remotely is seen as a significant way to reduce cost for companies. The option to rent a virtual office can be much cheaper, and in a study conducted of over 1,000 professionals, 65% reported that they allow their employees to telecommute. 1994 was the year of the first virtual office suites being implemented, and in 2009 the Office Business Center Association conducted a financial survey and found that virtual office growth had increased by 18.3%. Each year that percentage increases significantly.

      1. Productivity The majority of professionals agree that telecommuting is productive. 46% of companies that offer virtual office suites say that its implementation has reduced attrition, and the American Management Association reported that the companies that introduced telework has experienced a 63% reduction in unscheduled absences. All of this data supports the fact that working remotely increases companies? success.

      While telecommuting may still seem unknown and intimidating for some, it has been proven that both employees and employers benefit from incorporating it into their work. Don?t be afraid of the future! We should welcome the change that benefits both ourselves and our society as a whole.

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