Regularly, fire inspectors will come around your business to confirm that equipment is working efficiently and that your systems meet safety standards. To pass a fire inspection, here is what you need to know.
First, check your exit signs to ensure the light is always on and the battery backup system is activated. Move on to check your emergency lights, which will come on in the event of a power outage.
Checking these functions before the inspector comes around allows you to replace what’s damaged or broken.
To ensure you are updated on all fire management systems in your building, gather copies of previous inspection reports and schedule maintenance for any system failures. Go through your storage systems and ensure everything is well labeled and appropriately stored. Keep the hallways clear of obstacles and ensure the water valves are accessible and functional.
Check your electrical system to confirm that extension cords are appropriately used, computers have power strips, and all components are well maintained. Check your sprinkler head system, and make sure they have 18 inches of clearance from the ceiling to the storage top. Assess your signage to ensure it is showing the adequate direction to exit.