Why Social Media Is Becoming The Difference Between Successful Businesses And Failed Brands

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What’s the magic touch every business needs to be successful in this day and age? If you said ‘social media’, you’re onto something. The benefits of social media have been felt by countless businesses large and small, expanding across countless industries ranging from public resources to fashion to technology. Likewise, many businesses have found themselves sinking into obscurity without the aid of a constantly updated digital marketing routine. If you’ve felt the need to create more bridges with your consumers while maintaining a professional appeal, you’ll want to look into social media marketing and what it could offer your brand over the following years. Below are five essential tips that can save you time and money as you unearth just what makes social media so darn great.

Take Advantage Of A Billion Dollar Industry

Did you know the year 2015 saw more than $180 billion spent in advertising in the United States alone? Since digital marketing has begun to replace more traditional methods, it’s not hard to see how social media plays a huge part in this staggering number. Marketers in the United States will spend an impressive $24 billion on online display advertising this year alone, with 60% of CMOs viewing display ads as one of the most effective uses of their marketing budget.

Create An Appealing And Simplistic Website

There’s no reason your website shouldn’t be accessible, attractive and easy-to-navigate. After all, if you fumble this essential first step into a customer’s already crowded sensibilities you may just be dooming your brand to second-best. An ongoing survey revealed nearly half of all people saying a website’s design is their number one criterion for determining credibility. How can you achieve this? Website design services can be hired to ensure you combine typography, color theory and graphics for a harmonious result.

Stick To A Less-Is-More Approach

Continuing on the vein of websites, remember that less truly is more. There’s no need to clutter your layout with unnecessary buttons, advertisements and pop-ups. Not only are these incredibly distracting, they run the risk of making your website a pain to load. Studies have shown your website needs to load in three seconds or less. If not? A whopping 40% of customers will actually leave for other options. Additonal studies have revealed that a website bounce rate will spike to 100% when a page takes more than four seconds to load.

Maintain Friendly And Approachable Customer Service

Social media has proven to have remarkable staying power partially because of its customer service aspect. It’s a great way to keep customers updated, offers bite-sized amounts of knowledge and, most of all, is fun and inviting for people of all backgrounds and budgets. Studies have shown an impressive 85% of buyers will say online content either has a ‘major’ or ‘moderate’ impact on their general preference. Likewise, overly promotional content has proven to be a turn-off for many. This makes more casual settings like social media and more informative marketing like SEO ideal for both parties.

Use Social Media To Connect With Old Customers And Create New Ones

The world isn’t about to slow down for anyone. Why not stay ahead of the curve and maintain one or two social media accounts? The average buyer will consult an astonishing 11 consumer reviews on their path to a final purchase, that of which social media can absolutely influence. Unfortunately, studies have also revealed half of all companies will actively use digital marketing but don’t have an overarching plan in place. Are you trying to get more new customers? How about keep around old ones? It’s time to use social media as a flexible tool rather than a one-size-fits-all solution. Brush up your website, get a social media account and put your business on the fast track to success.

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