Signs have a huge impact on customers and businesses alike. One sign on site can be just as useful as a full page newspaper ad each month for an entire year and these signs are the reason that half of customers entered a business or establishment. Displaying a sign can help expose your business or brand to consumers as much as 60 times per month. Knowing how important signs are, there are certain establishments that will benefit the most from custom display boards and signs. Read what they are and how they can benefit below.
Signs are a great way for your restaurant to showcase specials to draw customers in. Use custom event signs or custom display boards to display daily and weekly specials. Use them as a sandwich board to highlight sandwiches of the day. Use them to promote specials on meals or new items added to the menu. Use custom event signs and display boards to show customers vegetables of the day. If you have unique beverages, such as beers on tap, use a custom display board to inform customers of that. When using in season ingredients such as fruits and vegetables, use these signs to increase sales. Using these signs can not only draw in customers but also give customers something new and exciting to look forward to.
Night Clubs
Night clubs can engage visitors by using custom event signs to attract customers. Many times people are looking for something fun to do, and using these signs to showcase what fun things they have going on can attract customers. Whether you have a live band, karaoke or you’re just playing good music, using custom signs can help inform people of what you have going on. Couple this message with any drink specials you have going on and you can draw in the after dinner crowd that aren’t ready to go home yet. They will see the sign and become intrigued and enter the establishment. Since most night clubs only operate during the evening and dark hours a light up sign will ensure that everyone sees your message and that it catches their attention.
Vehicle Shops
Vehicle shops can benefit from custom event signs for one simple reason. Their buildings are pretty similar and there is not a whole lot that you can do with the design of a vehicle shop. Using signs can draw in customers and help let people know what you are. Since most vehicle building are similar and have the same basic design, a simple sign can help set your business apart from others. With the right sign and large enough wording, you can even attract those who are looking for someone to work on their vehicles. These signs can also help instill your vehicle shop into their memory, so should the need ever arise for them to need vehicle repairs they will remember to call your shop.
Convenience Stores
Convenience stores will benefit from custom signs in order to showcase to customers what they have on sale. Convenience stores are typically a dime a dozen, therefore something has to catch customers attention if the stores want to attract customers. These establishments have the ability to show signs in a variety of places. Signs can be placed in windows, outside the store and inside by the displays. Typically customers coming into a convenience store are coming in for just one thing that they need. This means that impulse buying and up-selling is an important part of the store’s revenue. Signs can help accomplish this. Custom signs coupled with employees who up-sell can significantly drive up sales for a convenience store.
Don’t skimp on your sign. Realize their importance and how they can help attract customers and increase business. Utilizing all of your available resources could be the difference between your company succeeding or struggling and custom signs and help you succeed. Utilize them to encourage customers to enter and help drive up sales for your business.