5 Tips to Remember While Preparing Donations

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Donating items to charity is one of the most beneficial things you can do to help those less fortunate. Considering that, it’s understandable to wonder how to best prepare any items that you plan on donating. While it might seem like a simple task, following a few simple steps will make the donating process easier for both you and charity workers. With that in mind, here are five tips to follow while preparing charitable donations.

  1. Pack Similar Items Together

    As you begin to collect charitable donations, you might come across a wide array of items. Charities are often able to utilize a wide range of household donations. That being said, it will be easier for you and charity workers if you’re able to pack similar items together. Keeping clothing separate from housewares enables workers to more quickly sort through and begin stocking your donated items.
  2. Be Sure to Label Fragile Items

    You’ll find it important to ensure fragile items are labeled as such. On the other hand, you might want to avoid packing any fragile items in order to them directly to a worker. Regardless of which method you choose, letting workers know about fragile items in advance helps reduce the chances that they’ll end up accidentally getting broken. This also keeps workers safe from the risk of coming into contact with boxes full of broken glass.
  3. Don’t Worry Too Much About Condition

    It’s common to run across more than a few items that are in questionable condition. However, you might be surprised to find out that many types of clothing and textiles are usable by a charity. In fact, nearly 100% of textiles and clothing can be recycled, no matter what condition these items are in. Of course, charities will prefer to have clothing in good condition when considering that 45% of recycled clothes end up being worn as secondhand clothing. Considering that, it will likely help out charity workers if you could wash any items before donating them.
  4. Avoid Packing Boxes Too Full

    As you begin to get used clothing donations together, it can sometimes become hard to stop yourself. The combination of helping others while cleaning out your home is an exciting feeling. That being said, make sure that you don’t pack boxes too full while looking for donations. Packing boxes or bags too full can lead to items breaking. In addition, overfilled boxes make it much harder for you and workers to move items than if these containers were packed lighter.
  5. Consider Inspiring Others Through Social Media

    While you prepare to donate clothes or any other items, it’s wise to let others on social media know about your good deed. In fact, 70% of those surveyed reported that they would take action if they saw a friend posting a story through social media about preparing charitable donations.

In conclusion, there are several tips to follow before bringing your donations to a charity. You’ll want to pack similar items together, meaning used clothing donations are separate from housewares or fragile items. Speaking of fragile items, always ensure you label anything that is breakable. Charities tend to take all sorts of used clothing donations. Avoid packing boxes or bags too full which could cause breakage. Finally, consider making a post on social media before leaving your home concerning your charitable efforts. You might be surprised to find that letting others know of your charitable efforts inspires them to begin donating.

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