Concrete Repairs for a Better Curb Appeal, and Less Rolled Ankles

Asphalt driveway st. paul Concrete repair Minneapolis concrete repair

Driveway contractor

Part of taking pride in your home is maintaining not only the functionality of it but also the outward appearance, which could include updating the paint job on your house’s siding, putting some time, effort and funds into a nice landscaping job, and ensuring the sidewalk out front and the driveway are in prime condition. While painting or landscaping might seem like obvious projects, not everyone remembers to make sure the quality of the walkways and driveways are top notch. Think of it this way: if the neighborhood kids make a point to steer their bikes, rollerblades and skateboards clear of your property, it may be time for some concrete repairs.

Giving sufficient attention to concrete repair around your home
Whether your home and property has been in the neighborhood for years and years and needs some updates and repairs, or you are building something brand new, it is wise to familiarize yourself with the different options and aspects of concrete driveways and walkways. If your concrete driveway is installed correctly and well maintained over time, it should serve you well for 25 to even 50 years. There may need to be some concrete repair during those years, but if done in a timely manner, the process should be minimal in terms of time and expenses. If building a brand new property, there are plenty of factors to consider in order to have the best possible driveway. For a one car driveway, you’ll want it to be around eight or nine feet, and if you want to have enough space for two cars, you will want to install a driveway that is at least around 15 to 18 feet wide. You also have options when it comes to the aesthetics. If you don’t want a plain, “normal” driveway, you could choose from more than 250 shades and hues of colored concrete!

Why it is important to have a smooth driveway and sidewalk
For some people, driveway and walkway repairs can be put on hold in favor of what they might consider to be more important projects. But if you think of it in the sense of safety and avoiding potential injuries or issues, you may start to see it as a worthwhile thing to put on the to-do list. Over time, concrete can crack and wear down as a result of excessive use and harsh weather conditions. When these cracks, potholes and dips start taking over the surface of your driveway or the walkway to your front porch, keep in mind that even if you know where they are and how to avoid them, perhaps not every visitor to your home will be aware of these dangers. And even a family member familiar with the locations of these uneven surfaces could forget or miss them in the dark or if distracted. You don’t want someone tripping or spraining an ankle or knee — or suffering from something even worse — because you decided to ignore the wear in the concrete. And depending on the severity of the damaged surfaces, there could be potential damage done to vehicles as well.

Keeping the concrete surfaces around the outside of your home in prime condition is important. It gives your property a better look, and is overall safer for you, your family, and your guests.

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