Having A Hard Time Finding The Right Employees? Recruitment Agencies Can Help You Bridge The Gap

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Employment seems like a gamble these days…for prospective employees and businesses.

Hiring people isn’t cheap. You have to spend money on outreach efforts and marketing campaigns to get the word out there. You have to spend money on the labor and equipment needed to bring a new worker up to speed. When a prospective employee leaves prematurely? You have to scramble around to fill the gap so you can still meet your monthly figures. It’s time to give chance a rest and reach out to resources designed to create that match made in heaven. Temporary job placement can come in the form of local job placement agencies or consultation designed to give your entire approach an overhaul.

Your industry is only going to get more competitive from here. Let’s see how an employment agency can give you more reliability than luck this year.

Use Job Placement Agencies To Seek More Diverse Hires

The name of the game is diversity. From hiring people of varied backgrounds to encouraging a more diverse perspective to round out your company, to stagnate is to doom your company before it’s had a chance to truly thrive. McKinsey’s research is an ongoing project promoting the benefits of hiring from a diverse pool of applicants, with one study finding gender-diverse companies outperform their peers by 15%. Ethnically-diverse companies? As much as 35%. This means better figures, happier customers and, of course, more productive employees.

Take A Bite Out Of Employee Turnover By Hiring Smart

Why do more companies turn to temporary job placement agencies these days? It could have something to do with the rising rates of employee turnover. A term used to describe employees leaving a position prematurely, employee turnover is the death knell of any brand that wants to expand. It’s estimated over $11 billion is lost every year to employee turnover alone, with one study finding nearly 60% of organizations viewing this as their biggest problem. When you consider how much a business needs to keep in mind to stay afloat, that’s no small feat.

Improve Your Employee Training Program From The Ground Up

Perhaps it’s your employee training program that needs an overhaul. Much of what we enjoyed just a decade ago doesn’t fly today, with many programs and even online job applications being all but obsolete in light of change. New hires that undergo a properly structured on-boarding program are over 60% more likely to be with the company after three years. This means clear objectives, good equipment and plenty of time for a new worker to adapt. Job agencies can help you figure this out all in good time.

Encourage Employee Retention With Employee Recognition Programs

The opposite of employee turnover, and what every good business wants to achieve, is employee retention. The costs of employee turnover are no joke, ranging anywhere from 30% to 150% of an employee’s salary, and leaving you in the frustrating position of reaching out. Employee recognition programs have been found to be a major boon in companies looking to keep their workforce around for the long haul. An interesting study found over 85% of companies with employee recognition programs cite a significant increase in worker happiness and productivity.

Stop Wasting Time With Old-Fashioned Methods That Don’t Work

Let’s face it. Today’s workforce is almost completely different from the one you knew a handful of years back. Online applications are favoring resumes over redundant information. Workers are leaving their jobs more frequently than ever. Even social media plays a significant factor in who will be hired and who will be passed over. More than three million temporary and contract employees work for American staffing agencies in any given work week, which means there’s no excuse for delaying the inevitable…your businesses needs help and there are temporary job placement and recruiting resources out there just waiting to be found.

Find the right employees by letting temporary job placement agencies give you a new perspective. Opportunities for employment are always out there. They just need a different approach.

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