How a Banner Can Help a Business

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There are businesses across the country that outsource their marketing and advertising work to companies who can help them out. While this may seem smart, it may be costly in the long run. Especially when some simple marketing tactics can help bring back some great revenue. For instance, this includes using a banner!

To understand what is a simple marketing ploy as opposed to an expensive one, it is important to understand value. The value in this line of work involves getting good results and reach for smaller sums of money. SO understand that the value of an on-site signage is equal to just about 24 full-page newspaper ads every single year.

Just about 70% of consumers indicated that the quality of a businesses’ sign reflects the quality of the business. So all you need to do is create a banner, yard sign, or custom display board that best matches the personality of your business. That way, you can attract customers on a daily basis. Here are more facts on using a banner for your business:

A Well-Placed Banner Can Gain New Customers

One of the best parts of using a well-designed banner is being able to put it in locations that will reach a lot of customers. For instance, a well-placed sign that is placed near the freeway is bound to attract customers. Understand that 71% of people look at the messages on roadside advertising signs. So there are a lot of eyes that you can catch out on the highway!

A well-placed sign can expose local consumers to your brand about 50 to 60 times per month. Do not pass up on this type of amazing opportunity to connect with customers by just investing in nice display boards. Your business can expand exponentially thanks to a banner that is well thought out in terms of design and placement.

A recent study has revealed that 50% of all customers that enter a business stated that they did so because of the signage outside. So if you are trying to get customers to come to your store then just put a smart sign outside. Understand that nearly 85% of companies’ customers live within a 5-mile radius of the business. Those customers are likely to see the signage for that business 50 or more times a week.

A Well-Placed Banner Can Increase Revenue

It may seem crazy to think about, but all you have to do to understand that a sign can help sell products is think about the last time you saw a display stand to promote a deal. All it takes for most customers is a quick glance at a sign that says, buy one get one free, and they are sold on the product. So keep these facts in mind when you sit down to plan out what kind of marketing approach you want for your business.

Nearly 85% of people surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that signs can convey the personality or character of the business. So understand that if you use signs for your business that they need to match your business and your personality. So that way, customers have a good understanding of what kind of business they are going to enter!

Several studies, including one from Brigham Young University, showed that merchandise with a sign outsold merchandise without a sign by 20%. This is the type of previously mentioned information that just goes to show how valuable a well throughout banner can be for your business. This guarantees customers will visit you and that they will also potentially buy products as well!

In Conclusion

As previously mentioned, it is a lot smart to try and promote products and deals by way of physical advertising. It is the most cost-effective manner by which you can truly market a product well. So take your time and find good deals when you are trying to find a great banner for your business!

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