Is Your Company’s Fire Evacuation Plan The Best It Can Be?

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When was the last time you evaluated your business’s fire safety plan? If it was more than a year ago you may need to be thinking about putting that on your agenda. Having a working fire alarm, evacuation plan, and sprinkler system will make sure that your employees and the property within your business are safe if a fire was to occur. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are taking a look at the fire safety plan at your company:

1. Fire Alarm Systems – Having a fire alarm system that you can trust is of the utmost importance, especially to business owners. In most situations, if fire detection is able to give a 10-15 minute warning before the end of the incipient stage, the fire department will be able to limit damage. And limiting damage to both your employees and the property within your office is at the top of your priority list. Hiring a company to perform your fire alarm installation is a great way to go because it allows you to ensure that the job is done right. Often times, fire alarm installation companies offer contracts where they will come in once or twice a year to perform routine maintenance on your system to make sure everything is in working order. What’s not to love about that?

2. Fire Evacuation Plans For Employees – When was the last time you looked at your company’s fire evacuation plan? Or, perhaps a more important question, when is the last time your employees were given a training on the fire evacuation plan? Surprisingly, a recent survey asked nearly 120 American businesses about the strength of their evacuation plan and only 35% of respondents even had a plan in place at all. When you hire a fire alarm installation company, take the time to ask them about any evacuation plan services they may also offer. You may be surprised to find out that many companies like that have a trained professional who can come in to educate your employees on the importance of truly understanding a fire evacuation plan.

3. Fire Sprinkler Systems – Another incredibly important part of fire safety, especially with businesses and multi-family buildings are sprinkler systems. The combination of automatic sprinklers and early warning fire alarm systems can reduce overall injuries, loss of life, and property damage by at least 50%. Fire sprinkler systems also need to be maintained on an annual basis to make sure that they are in proper working order. The good news is that fire alarm installation companies can help you with this exact kind of maintenance.

As a business owner or property manager, one of your top priorities is the safety of your employees and/or tenants. The good news for you is that fire safety doesn’t have to be stressful or difficult. By hiring a company for fire alarm installation you can alleviate the stress altogether and let the professionals handle it. The next time you are looking over your fire alarm system, evacuation plan, or sprinkler system, make sure they are all in working order. You’ll be glad you did!

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