Roofing Business Commercial vs Residential


So, you’re in the roofing business and want to know a bit of a background about roofing that most commercial roofing companies offer. In this section, you will understand more about different roofing.

1. Sloped Roofing

This is perhaps the most popular sloping roof type because it’s usually for residential projects.

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It’s very easy to find crews for this project and payments are fast. However, it’s going to be difficult to collect money.

2. Flat Roofing

This is more on commercial projects; however, subcontracting crews are quite hard to find to get this project done. And you’re going to need more money upfront, as this is quite an expensive project.

3. Residential Roofing

There are quite a lot of opportunities for different residential roofing jobs. When you’re working in commercial roofing companies, you would be able to offer special types of roofing systems.

There are also more subcontractors to get the job done for residential roofing, as finding the crew is easy. Of course, you’ll get paid fast and it will give you the opportunity to learn about the business before entering larger projects.

4. Commercial Roofing

As for commercial roofing projects, commercial roofing companies need more money up front to start the project. You can also learn how b2b sales work and do business with the consumers as well. Though payments are slow, a bigger profit margin awaits.


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