The Difference Between A Deadly Fire And A Small Accident? A Carefully Maintained Fire Alarm

Fire alarm inspections ft. lauderdale Fire protection companies Ft. lauderdale fire protection

What’s the difference between a fire that’s easily snuffed out and a devastating accident that claims several lives?

Fire alarm inspections. The fire alarm is the first line of defense when smoke starts to go out of control. Not only does it alert any and all people within the area to leave as quickly as possible, it reaches out to fire protection services in the area to make their way over and eliminate the threat immediately. Simply installing an up-to-date fire alarm isn’t enough to gain the full advantage of this form of technology, however, and routine fire alarm inspections are required to make sure it remains strong throughout the year. Whether you live in a high-risk area or not, this is an important note to jot down on your calendar.

Fire alarm repair doesn’t take very long and can mean the difference between life or death. Here’s what you should know.

Did You Know?

Death and severe injury by fire have been on the decline. That doesn’t mean there isn’t more work to do if we are to keep fire to a bare minimum occurrence every year. The National Fire Protection Association (also known as the NFPA) has no record of a fire killing more than two people in a completely accommodated building, such as fire sprinklers and robust fire alarm services. Fires in warehouse properties have been declining substantially over the past 30 years, as well.

There Are Four Major High-Risk Locations

While every location runs the risk of a severe fire, some locations have proven to have a higher risk than others. To date hotels, motels, apartments and locations that house the sick have the highest risk of experiencing a high-rise fire. This is due to several reasons, such as a lack of routine fire alarm inspections or poor ventilation. From 2006 to 2010 American fire departments respondent to an estimated average of over 6,000 structure fires on healthcare properties alone.

Fires Have Been On The Decline, But Still Need To Be Monitored

Warehouse properties used to boast some of the highest rates of high-rise fires. This has gone down substantially due to increased awareness of the cause of fires as well as routine fire alarm services, but there is always more work to be done. Fire prevention and detection are both critical to better safeguarding data centers which hold sensitive information. Not only can fires be caused by a lack of ventilation or poorly maintained fire alarm equipment, but by equipment failure or loose sparks.

Not All Fire Alarms Are Designed The Same

To follow up on safeguarding data centers, not all fire alarm systems look alike. That’s because some locations need even more intensive monitoring than others. For rooms below 2,500 square feet, such as small data centers, the Early Warning Fire Detection (or EWFD) system is required. This provides better response time for local fire department services as well as more room for personnel to evacuate safely. Although fires take on different degrees of severity, the vast majority can be easily prevented.

Routine Inspections Are Needed Every Year

Your fire alarm system is one of the biggest factors standing in-between you and safety. While sprinklers reduce the risk of fire until help can arrive and EWFD systems can provide further protection in sensitive locations, fire alarms are the first point of contact for all people in the area. Fire alarm inspections make sure your system is always working as intended. If your alarm beeps unexpectedly, a high chirping, that means its battery is running low or there is some other error preventing it from working at full capacity. It’s recommended you get your system serviced at least once per year, if not twice.

Make 2018 your safest year yet. Reach out to fire alarm protection services and ask for a routine inspection.

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